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Timeline of Consumerium

From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 18:27, 8 November 2018 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (2018: + 2018-10-31 Finnish language website https://kuluttajisto.consumerium.org/ launched)

This is one and incomplete timeline of the Consumerium effort.

Another is at Troll Timeline and MediaWiki article has a timeline of MW developments.




Greenpeace gets it independently: Consumerium buying signal idea of green light for good products appears at act.greenpeace.org - lookup by barcodes.


2002 highlights

  • Kalle Hallivuori sponsors the domain name Consumerium.org at Gandi.net and hosting at Pingviini.net after meeting Juho and hearing his raves about a future of consumism and browsing the handout the Lowest Troll had prepared just in case meet nice technically adept people:
  • Consumerium.org online (!) and first plan-of-intent of Consumerium in Finnish and English released.

2002 elsewhere

Adbusters begins discussing its Greenscan service - also based on barcodes. Neither Adbusters nor Greenpeace has proposed an architecture for delivery.


January. Juho gets an internet connection :)

Finnish version scrapped. Too much hassle.

  • 2003-03-10 Consumerium gets Wikified and GFDL'd (see: old articles for most of the original articles copied from the old site.)
  • 2003-03-15 First GPL'd DTDs released
  • 2003-06-08 Preparations for getting registered in Sourceforge get underway.
  • 2003-07-03 Added SA8000 certification to Indicators of ethical aspects and social responsibility of Features
  • 2003-10-13 Majority of TCE implementation moved to be the responsibility of The Opinion Wiki

2003 highlights

Read more


See Consumerium anticipated roll-out for planned future events and known scheduled events. Don't take those as seriously as you take the above!

  • By 2004-09-09 Main Page reaches 10.000 views and number of articles exceeds 1.000 unfortunately mostly due to some active participants diverging into useless wordplay and other activities which are not part of the main goal of this wiki
  • 2004-11-2 Nokia announces NFC enabled phone covers for Nokia 3220 (available 1st quarter 2005 in Europe and 2nd quarter 2005 in Americas and Asia

2004 highlights

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2005 highlights

2005 elsewhere

  • UCC requires that by January 1, 2005 all retail scanning systems in the US must be able to accept EAN-13

2005 lowlights

  • Disarray and vandalism sets in. Hard times are about.

Read more:



  • Switching from Escapebox.net's nice Semi-Managed FreeBSD in Germany to a w:Fedora Core (v5 lol) GNU/Linux at Kotisivut.com to have newer versions of stuff.

2007 highlights


2008 highlights





2012 highlights

2012 elsewhere

2012 confusion

more from


2013 highlights

Read more:

and other sources.


To be constructed from User:Juboxi/Blog/2014 and other sources.


To be constructed from User:Juboxi/Blog/2015 and other sources.


Consumerium-y going-ons in 2016

  • Consumium free social grew to a quartet in the spring of 2016 with the addition of Hubzilla, Friendica and GNU social.
  • Wikimedia Commons was activated on Saturday 2016-09-10 as a media source. Dig in.

Lowest Troll's blog for year 2016



It is the year 2018.

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