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From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 09:36, 7 June 2004 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (more on troll goals)


Welcome, newcomers. This is the Development Wiki, formerly know as the R&D Wiki, where we are planning operation of Research Wiki and Publish Wiki(s)

This wiki has been online since March 2003 and the original mission statement was published in April 2002. Timeline of Consumerium tracks the most prominent changes in our development work.

Originally the plan was to store information in XML and rely heavily on systemic checks on data at entry time. Nowerdays the plan has shifted to utilizing wikis and peer-review for accuracy.


Research Wiki will have an English interface but research in all relevant languages is conducted there in a similar manner as Wikibooks.

Research wiki will be troll-friendly ie. it allows trolling by troll(s) and is not accessible to external search engines to minimize the possibility of legal challenges such as libel accusations and to enable free circulation of fiction. This development wiki has caused some aggravation in Wikimedia circles due to the numerous Anti Wikipedia Rants and we hope to avoid such confrontation in the future.

Currently research is dispersed to multiple sites such as Wikipedia for generic, encyclopedic information, CorpKnowPedia for information on corporations and Wiktionary for translation needs. This is not a problem since all points of research are licensed under GFDL


Publish Wiki will be updated from Research Wiki upon approval by designated people. How the approval process works and how it may be reversed is a key question that needs to be solved before we proceed to the future.

We will start with the English language Publish Wiki and other languages will be set up when there is demand.


Originally the introduction of Bluetooth sparked the concept of Consumerium Itself but the slow adaption and complexity of using Bluetooth has lead us to plan for Near Field Communication devices to be adapted rapidly to enable Checkout Consumerium for starters where information is delievered after the purchase has happened and can be examined to affect repeat-buy behaviour.


We are in need of coders to implement MediaWiki modifications needed for smooth operation


Consumerium Development Wiki could humorously be called "the encyclopedia of trolling" so far has our main troll, 142.177.X.X with the help of other trolls, some choosing a maybe shared account, some choosing to remain anonymous identified only by IP number

Trolls are determined to fight for a troll-friendly wiki, which given that there are different wikis will be allowed only on Research Wiki. Trolls are fiercely against Sysop vandalism, Sysop vigilantiism, Developer vigilantiism, Sysopism, Sysops, Sysop power structures, GodKing reliant wiki culture, Ad hominem delete, Ad hominem revert, Outing (usually of Trolls or Trollherds), Usurpers, Groupthink, Spun threats, Framing, Hard security such as Block IP and Systematic bias in Large public wikis resulting from abefore mentioned but often failing to see the necessity of applying Ad hominem approval since no one has the time to read all that is being written even in this development stage. Trolls also resist use real names policies

Trolls are for an unified GFDL text corpus that is independent of GFDL corpus access providers.

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