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From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 08:19, 7 June 2004 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (starting on the article hub)


Welcome, newcomers. This is the Development Wiki, formerly know as the R&D Wiki, where we are planning operation of Research Wiki and Publish Wiki(s) This wiki has been online since March 2003 and the original mission statement was published in April 2002. Timeline of Consumerium tracks the most prominent changes in our development work.


Research Wiki will have an English interface but research in all relevant languages is conducted there in a similar manner as Wikibooks.

Research wiki will be troll-friendly ie. it allows trolling by troll(s) and is not accessible to external search engines to minimize the possibility of legal challenges such as libel accusations. This development wiki has caused some aggravation in Wikimedia circles due to the numerous Anti Wikipedia Rants and we hope to avoid such confrontation in the future.

Currently research is dispersed to multiple sites such as Wikipedia for generic, encyclopedic information, CorpKnowPedia for information on corporations. This is not a problem since all points of research are licensed under GFDL


Publish Wiki is updated from research wiki upon approval by designated people. How the approval process works and how it may be reversed is a key question that needs to be solved before we proceed to the future.

We will start with the English language Publish Wiki and other languages will be set up when there is demand.

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