
The word "wiki" comes from Hawaiian expression "wiki wiki" == to do something quickly. The inventor of the first wiki, Ward Cunningham's wiki from 1995 is still running.
Wikitext is perhaps the quickest way for a human to enter hypertext. There are more than one wikitext in existence but quite naturally the one used in Mediawiki, the software that runs Wikipedia and many other wikis.
How to read wiki In mediawiki an external URL will have a small symbol after it to indicate a link not internal to the wiki or reached via the interwiki mechanism.
Notice that internal links and interwiki links have slightly different color with the interwiki links being lighter in hue. If unable to tell just hover over the link and see where it leads to.
A red link means that the target of the link does not exist in the wiki in question.
How to edit wiki?
Use [[w:Fairtrade]] to link to Wikipedia's article on fairtrade and [[w:fr:Commerce équitable]] to link to the article in the French Wikipedia as simple as that. ( works for all languages, just insert the correct lang code )
This wiki has InstantCommons activated so all Wikimedia Commons images can be used on this wiki with the normal syntax: [[File:Filename.png|thumb|right|100px|Caption text]]
Wikipedia tutorial pretty much explains how to edit wikitext.
Here in this development wiki we are currently discussing Wiki management questions regarding future consumerium use of WikiWikiWebs. These will mostly implement the actual Consumerium Services or Features which are either
- Development Wiki extensions to better incorporate all kinds of feedback, e.g. XML integration perhaps using GetWiki in the short term, and Python integration to exploit mobile device code later
- Opinion Wiki/Research Wiki - two names for the same thing, though some concepts are defined with a rather specific idea of one or the other - see Features for a list. This is a large public wiki unlike the others, and has wiki management problems that the others probably do not have - it allows factional debate, which will rely on direct wiki code support.
- Content Wiki/Signal Wiki/Publish Wiki - three names for the same thing - which generates the Consumerium buying signal directly, including price premium/score information useful to those using Consumerium Services directly to comparison shop, that is, to choose one item or another from a fixed list of those presented on the retail shelf. This wiki must basically simulate those buying decisions, that is, its basic data structure must resemble that of the supermarket.
See Language vs. Area for thinking about division and integration issues.
- wiki - an overview of what wiki is as a mindset and as a technology
- wikitext standard - easily the most important problem in wiki integration
- Alternate wiki-implementations - comparisons of three different wiki-engines for implementation of Consumerium Services
- MediaWiki and MediaWiki modifications proposed to serve the Consumerium Services note - these are controversial and would implement a permission-based model which is contrary to most wiki ideologies
- tikiwiki - already has the MediaWiki modifications but are these really required? trolls say no
- MoinMoin and Python - more suitable for worn device integration and wikitext standard support
- Wiki Governance Practices - tries to outline good practices for managing wikis
- Wiki management - outlining wiki management problems, both here and in general
- revert currency - a currency to make wiki management more predictable
- WikiVote - a type of vote cast for a campaign in Opinion Wiki. Also other types of votes have been proposed see The Consumerium Exchange article on this