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Planned Features to End User


In the starting phase of the project it is important to chart the possible features so that the demand analysis can be done as precisely as possible before work is begun on the markup language that describes products and their production process and on the software components.

Below is a preliminary list of features and data to be delivered to the consumer. Each consumer can define to their Consumer Agent what information they wish to browse in an everyday situation and what criteria the Agent checks and compares automatically.

All product analyses done by the system should yield such results that can be automatically compared against each other by the Agent. The agent bases its overall analysis on those precalculated analyses that the consumer has chosen as points of interest. This necessarily implies having trusted mediators (NGOs mainly) who the consumer has chosen to trust, and which makes moral distinctions that the consumer cares about.

Information that has to be gathered about products and production processes and analyses and indicators based on the raw data (for all types of products eg. foodstuffs, clothing, household items etc.):

Essential Picks: Feedback, Advertisement Videos, Workers' rights, Energy Assessment, Materials Assessment, Recyclability

Raw data[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)Implemented elsewhere


(Content Wiki)

Comments and scores given by other consumers to this product and its qualities. (In this store -> In this country -> In the whole World) Possibility to compose comments and scores.

(Opinion Wiki)

NGOs' knowledge on the manufacturer

(Content Wiki)

Traders (exporter,importer, wholesaler etc.)

(Content Wiki)

Point-of-Production (Exact location of manufacture country -> village -> factory)

(Content Wiki)

Exact listing of raw materials

(Content Wiki)

Manufacturers of raw materials

(Content Wiki)

Locations of raw material manufacturing (PoP)

(Content Wiki)

Is a raw material gene manipulated (GM)

(Content Wiki)

Organic raw materials? (where applicable)

(Content Wiki)

Usage instructions

(Content Wiki)

Caring instructions

(Content Wiki)

Reuse, Recycling or waste disposal instructions

(Content Wiki)

Is the product suitable for vegans?

(Content Wiki)

Ownership relations of the manufacturing chain (Companies participating in production or trading), if available. See Research for efforts in figuring out how feasible this is

(Content Wiki)

Monopoly: is the company now or has it ever been in a monopoly situation? Has it come to a market where someone holds an monopoly?

(Content Wiki)

Does an Oligopoly situation exist in the market of some product group? This is important

(Content Wiki) for evaluating price information in the correct context.

Indicators of Environmental Friendliness[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)Implemented elsewhere

Recyclability Assessment

(Content Wiki)

Energy Assessment (includes production and transport) (types and amounts of energies)

(Content Wiki)

Materials Assessment - materials consumption in manufacturing (types and amounts of materials)

(Content Wiki)

Emissions during production

(Content Wiki)

Waste generated during production

(Content Wiki)

Organic status

(Content Wiki)

Assessment of environmental effects of the product group or commodity group. Attempts to describe environmental effects common to all products of same product group. This is necessary, because it'll be very difficult to aquire this information for a reasonable amount of products so we must do with generic assesments.

(Content Wiki)

Assessment of environmental effects of the product comparable to other products in same category (Automatic Product Comparison). This is rather depracated due to the Revised Design paradigm.

Indicators of ethical aspects and social responsibility[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)Implemented elsewhere

Is the product or parts of it fairly traded?

(Content Wiki)

Is the Point-of-Production SA8000 (Social Accountability International) certified?

(Content Wiki)

Is the Point-of-Production enrolled in Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) ?

(Content Wiki)

Track record of Workplace Upgrades

(Content Wiki)

Company size

(Content Wiki)

Workers' rights

(Content Wiki) (Opinion Wiki)

Employability - How much does the company provide employment

(Content Wiki)

Greedy lay offs

(Content Wiki)

Assessment of ethicality of the product group:
Information about how animals are treated, if the product contains animal based raw materials.

(Content Wiki)

Track record of Charitable contributions done by the company.

(Content Wiki)

Other services[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)Implemented elsewhere

Checkout Consumerium Grab all the GTIN codes to your mobile terminal if in a hurry and examine your buying habits in the comfort of your own home when you have the time

(Friendly retail systems)

Information on consumption endorsements or boycotts (campaigns) targeted at companies in the supply chain, or their owners.

(Opinion Wiki)

Product substitution information: Information on what less destructive alternatives there are for some Product or Product Group.

(Content Wiki, Opinion Wiki)

Sending feedback to the supply chain.

(Opinion Wiki, Delivery Engine)

Possibility to watch Advertisement Videos and Informational Videos on the product and producer created by the producer, importer or marketer. This requires terminals equipped with color displays and powerful video decoding features, which are projected to hit the mass markets in the first decennium of the 21st century. Big producers can utilize their tv-adverts with minor changes, so that they can be streamed to mobile terminals. Small producers enjoy the benfits of being able to convey marketing materials to consumers in a video-form with extremely low cost. Informational videos could deal with eg. working conditions, treatment of production animals and the enviromental and other principles of the company.

(Delivery Engine)

Internationalization. Foreigners and travellers can use the system in their own language, which is a big help when doing shopping in a foreign store.

(Content Wiki, Wiktionary, EURONICE, Other)

Multi-language support - Immigrants can have the system function in two languages simultaneously, which makes adapting to their new homeland and language swifter and less troublesome.

(Content Wiki, Wiktionary, EURONICE, Other)

Inter-shop navigation. If a product group or product you require is not in-stock in this store Inter-shop navigation will guide you to a shop where it is available

(Yet to be decided)

Intrashop navigation in the store.

(Retail systems) (Yet to be decided)

Out-of-stock notification.

(Retail systems)

Automatic Product Comparison - price, grading, ecologicality and ethicality comparison to other similar products sold in the same store. This is rather depracated due to the Revised Design paradigm. Maybe it's more sensible to rely on human-to-human communications to fullfill this not-so-automatically


Special group: Food stuffs[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)Implemented elsewhere

Connection to the databases containing Recipies.

(Content Wiki, Cookbook, Wikipedia, Legacy systems, Retail Systems)

Is the product suitable for vegetarians, vegans, people with allergies, lactose intolerants or people with religious dietary customs etc.

(Content Wiki)

Calculation of nutritional value of the product

(Content Wiki, Other)

Calculation of nutritional value of recipies

(Content Wiki, Other)

Calculation of material-costs for recepies

(Content Wiki, Delivery Engine, Retail systems, Unclear)

Future services[edit | edit source]

Feature (Implementation)

Fairtrade On Demand (NEW)

Content Wiki + External System for Payment Traffic

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