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Silly colorology

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Revision as of 15:59, 24 November 2003 by (talk) (we really have better things to do then this)

This is for discussing silly colorology and is very much not a Consumerium R&D issue. The contents of this page originated from several articles named after colors.


Reds refer to anti-capitalists, specifically communists, who adopted this as their signal colour long ago. It stands for the blood shed by workers in the wage slavery system, and by soldiers in the wars started by capitalists for their own profit (yeah ok don't blame me I'm just the troll). They tend to really dislike workplace practices that exploit people like prison labour or child labour or slavery, although they see these as part of capitalism. They often focus on specific individual media barons or corporate figures as 'the worst problem' at any point in time, and distrust even Greens and Pinks in many cases.

Accordingly, there will likely be a faction of Reds in the Consumerium social club and they very likely will insist on some factionally defined terms and standard labels for products produced by fair trade criteria.

They will probably not want their own Consortium license because of their ideological objections to patent and copyright law in general. They may advocate the Consumerium License just becoming the GPL, or having no license at all as some kind of protest. When asked how specific bad copy problems or self-interested fork problems will be dealt with, and how worst cases and threats related to these will be averted, their answer will always be "these are all symptoms of capitalism - they will not go away until capitalism is smashed - so if these happen then just smash capitalism" etc. etc. rant rave.

They will also likely be quite active in the content wiki - Communists are great reporters of facts, since they suspect everyone and everything with any connection to capitalism, and will always find "a fly in the ointment". For this very reason, however, their analysis tends not to be as strong or objective as that of Greens, and, they tend to be pretty damn boring too.

Don't let them do your marketing either. They hate marketing, maybe because they're so bad at it.

They are also good at municipal government. Many European cities are run by Reds, and these might be willing to use the Consumerium buying signal to make actual public sector buying decisions. That'd be great!


Greens hate ape genocide because it kills and eats creatures so similar to us we should treat them like long-lost relatives, not dinner. They hate logging in general and not just when it leads to deforestation - "no old growth" is a concept they defined. They also dislike war since it provides excuses to use nuclear junk, and genetically modified food. They find overconsumption and overpopulation both to be true, whereas most people deny one or the other. Many Greens hate humans and become trolls, gnawing on vegan tofu as they type nasty stuff at you here. They think they are protecting their Mother, Earth, from "people like you."

Their misanthropic exterior masks the most rational analysis of Earth's problems. Of all factions, Greens have been the most specific and scientific, and thus probably the most successful, at getting their factionally defined terms into the public mind and into the law and media. They are very focused, e.g. on safe trade. They often form Green Parties and split the vote even for their friends among the Pinks and Reds, and they are more willing to work in minority government than almost any other parties.

Greenpeace is probably the world's most successful nonprofit at online organizing. We can learn a lot from them!

The glossary arose from work towards a Green Documentation License, which may be used in the content wiki, since it will make reference to scientific and other validation, e.g. from ecology. There may or may not be similar validation requirements in the Consumerium License, but it seems likely.

The Consumerium Governance Organization will have to decide if the well-organized Greens should be allowed to write a lot of basic definitions, since ecosystem health is obviously the most basic survival issue on Earth. or if a more representative group should be able to object. And, how much to intervene when Green trolls bite them on the leg for their objections.


Blues are the good old conservative guys in (blue) suits who come over the (blue) sea and drop bombs on you from the (blue) sky with some Empire. Many think Pinks and Greens are cute or silly, and Reds scary.

They see no basic problem with capitalism and enjoy betting on both sports and the stock market, seeing no problem with basing the whole economy on bets. In this they are kind of similar to trolls but unlike trolls they try to foment a good reputation.

Some Blues advocate Natural Capitalism however or see basic problems with economics like the Greens do. Some Blues also advocate ethical investing and moral purchasing as a way to refine "the system" without radical change. Most understand how central an audit and accounting standard are to keeping any market system going.

Many may think there is no need for Consumerium Services because in their ideology, economic choice is so separate from moral choice that a buyer who does not choose the lowest price is "always cheating himself." In their view, no price premium for a better comprehensive outcome is better placed getting that outcome, than saved and spent on one's nonprofit objectives, by oneself.

There are definitely advantages to the Blues' point of view, after all, they rule the world, and it's not for no reason. It should be completely understood.

Natural Capitalism, the Green Patent License and Consumerium Prediction Market are three good examples of working within Blue frameworks to do rather radical things.


Pinks refer to people who define themselves by sexuality: feminists, gays, lesbians, self-defined "queers", and others primarily concerned with social acceptance for everybody. They tend to really dislike gender-based or sexuality-based discrimination and refuse to buy from those who practice it.

There will likely be a faction of Pinks in the Consumerium social club and they very likely will insist on some factionally defined terms or some standard labels for products produced with no gender or sex discrimination.

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