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From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki

December[edit | edit source]

Friday 2014-12-19[edit | edit source]

November[edit | edit source]

Thursday 2014-11-13[edit | edit source]

Done inputting the known price comparison services.

Going to need a simple database to hold the information on price comparison services and review aggregators and review sites.

Next going to look at MediaWiki/extensions and see what is and what isn't valid any more. --Juboxi (talk) 18:23, 13 November 2014 (EET)

August[edit | edit source]

Saturday 2014-08-23[edit | edit source]

Backupped everything and upgrded MediaWiki to newest version

July[edit | edit source]

Tuesday 2014-07-27[edit | edit source]

Made backups a few days ago. The machine I used to verify the backups is no longer with me so it'll take a few days before I can verify the backups.

The study wiki is now down for a while since looking at the logs with 'tail -f' I can see that the DDoS is still ongoing and I haven't yet figured out how to thwart it.

I just installed CodeReader for SailfishOS by Steffen Förster on my Jolla. This is the 1st time I've had a working barcode scanner as I've never owned an iOS or Android device (dislike both AAPL and GOOG based on perceived too dominant market position). CodeReader scans QR code, Aztec, Data Matrix, Code 128, EAN 13, Interleaved 2/5 and UPC-A, out of which I've now tried EAN 13 and QR code. The EAN 13 codes actually scan more easily then QR code. --Juboxi (talk) 18:07, 29 July 2014 (EEST)

Note to self: install a stronger CAPTCHA. The current one is clearly not adequate.

So.. The mobile devices' abilities have come a long way since 2002 when the Consumium / Consumerium effort was 1st announced and the Consumer Agent which I envisioned over 10 yrs ago is clearly implementable today as a mobile app.

I'm very excited about the upcoming MaidSafe Networks. It seems like a natural choice to use as storage back-end to store historical accounts of how the votes were at such and such time. I am planning on donating 1.3TB of storage to the network as soon as it comes online so for a long time we will be providing more storage then we'll be using. The reason to choose MaidSafe Networks as the long-term storage solution is due to the high level of privacy and security provided by the architecture and the fact that the informations on the MaidSafe networks are nearly indestructible if I am understanding it right. --Juboxi (talk) 18:57, 29 July 2014 (EEST)

Oh, nice, I just noticed that Wikiteam have archived this wiki againin July 2014 .. it's nice to know that even in the case of catastrophic data loss on part of the systems I keep the work will still remain archived. --Juboxi (talk) 21:49, 29 July 2014 (EEST)

Thursday 2014-07-10[edit | edit source]

The monitor Consumerium R&D wiki (http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/) is back UP (OK) (It was down for 542 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds).

The cause of the server being down and squatting was an attack on my study-wiki. It is now taken offline and no other sites seem to be under attack. --Juboxi (talk) 14:56, 10 July 2014 (EEST) --Juboxi (talk) 14:56, 10 July 2014 (EEST)

May[edit | edit source]

Thursday 2014-05-29[edit | edit source]

We humans need to lurk harder then the machines.. that and new innovative w:CAPTCHAs like the KittenCaptcha. I'd go for reCAPTCHA and KittenCaptcha for account registrations but maybe even that won't hold them back. --Juboxi (talk) 14:29, 29 May 2014 (EEST)

Yeah. Removed links to Facebook and Gmail. Free services: "Use it and you endorse it" (unless you use it only in the tongue-in-cheek sense) simple as that Mail is much better responded to if it comes to my private box I keep on the 50GB mailbox on http://kapsi.fi. Kapsi is a Finnish non-profit association / NGO that I am proud to be a member of. Kapsi works, no need to purchase commercial services unless I start a business. --Juboxi (talk) 14:12, 29 May 2014 (EEST)

No spamming attempts for over an hour :) A few quieted IP-addresses can apparently work, or option b, it is just waiting there with plenty of IP address arsenal. --Juboxi (talk) 14:04, 29 May 2014 (EEST)

Wednesday 2014-05-28[edit | edit source]

According to https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Consumerium this Development Wiki currently has 54599 users, which is sorta bizarre since I haven't seen humans in a long time. According to http://podupti.me/ https://d.consumium.org Diapsora* pod has an uptime of 100%, newest available code, 0 users and is almost 1 yr old. On Diaspora* it's possible to interact with humans. Here it's just The /on/troll, it's friends who are also into composing ramblings and the Lowest Troll --Juboxi (talk) 21:44, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

Cleaning the search bot feeding trays again. Makes mental note to get on with installing a harder captcha. --Juboxi (talk) 21:37, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

Cancel the fuzz about GNU MediaGoblin as the replacement for youtube, flickr, soundcloud etc. The real replacement is naturally MaidSafe. The people behind this endeavour to build a radically different distributed network with new features. The people behind the Ltd entity that exists for the MaidSafe effort has donated all w:patents and code to the human kind. --Juboxi (talk) 20:01, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

The w:CAPTCHA is still shit... Appologies about that around.. my bad, not taking care of arms race against the machines, a child could code a 2-bit bot that'd solve it. My 2nd year in business school has kept me busy, or so I keep telling people. w:reCAPTCHA is one of the best classical CAPTCHAS so I install that at some date. I try to get it done this summer. --Juboxi (talk) 19:55, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

Major question: How to determine if party X is human or machine? without resorting to does it have an email, does it have a Diaspora*, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to prove there is an actual person there behind that voter id? --Juboxi (talk) 19:51, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

Cleaned the search bot feeding trays a few days ago. These new spammers are likely a different party then the one behind The /on/troll aka. User talk:Maksimchebrukov2018. The bots are getting better and better at writing rambling semi-inspirational semi-stories. --Juboxi (talk) 19:48, 28 May 2014 (EEST)

Wednesday 2014-05-07[edit | edit source]

Nope. Not doing anything about the search bot feed spam today. . --Juboxi (talk) 16:48, 7 May 2014 (EEST)

Tuesday 2014-05-06[edit | edit source]

Will proceed to remove the spam. Tomorrow I have a day off school and in the evening we're going to the Manics gig. So might as well get the spam issue sorted before the gig. --Juboxi (talk) 23:10, 6 May 2014 (EEST)

The wiki was down briefly due to a broken objectcache table but this has now been fixed with help from #mediawiki. --Juboxi (talk) 23:08, 6 May 2014 (EEST)

March[edit | edit source]

Saturday 2014-03-22[edit | edit source]

Renewed the consumerium.org domain till April 2015 --Juboxi (talk) 19:54, 22 March 2014 (EET)

http://mediagoblin.org/ - Decentralized gnu alternative for sites like Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc.

Friday 2014-03-21[edit | edit source]

http://www.quechoisir.org/ - un guide pour consommateurs en francais

Tuesday 2014-03-11[edit | edit source]

According to https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Consumerium this wiki has 32k+ users, out of which maybe 150 are real people and the rest are bots. An issue that is going to need to be issued is how to find out if purported user X is human or machine? Note to self: Install w:ReCAPTCHA --Juboxi (talk) 00:12, 12 March 2014 (EET)

Seems there is a new link spammer around. It registers user accounts and adds single spam link into it's imaginary user-page about itself. User talk:Maksimchebrukov2018 being the old linkspammer with it's so detectable ways. --Juboxi (talk) 23:59, 11 March 2014 (EET)

Monday 2014-03-10[edit | edit source]

TODO: Completely zap the old Windooze with malware from previous owner of the Win7 machine and install fresh Windows7 from the 2.6GB .iso file I downloaded completely legally. --Juboxi (talk) 21:49, 10 March 2014 (EET)

w:Git is teh brokeh on the production server so it looks like jubo-jubo is going to need to do another migration to Debian 7.4 server that currently holds just backups, at least for the c.consumium.org/wiki/, prlly make more sense to migrate the other sites and use this current machine only for holding backups --Juboxi (talk) 21:46, 10 March 2014 (EET)

This site -> http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/ is relevant to the cause of FLOSS and information freedom.

March[edit | edit source]

January[edit | edit source]

Thursday 2014-01-09[edit | edit source]

So about 5 days of not doing the chore and the thing took under 10 minutes to correct.. it took mere few minutes for me to actually do the thing instead of worrying about doing. --Juboxi (talk) 16:14, 9 January 2014 (EET)

Note to self. How about more focus on getting stuff implemented?

We can source from Wikidata and DBpedia if someone, you?, writes the required glue code, When the server has boring time it can go compare the datas. --Juboxi (talk) 15:23, 9 January 2014 (EET)

Saturday 2014-01-04[edit | edit source]

The clock is off. sorted the clock issue by telling date to add 10 minutes and 30 seconds so that means I spent way under 10 minutes doing the actual chore of putting the server's off-clock back into time.

so how about you reremember how to use the 'date' command and feeding a string to modify the system date time.. oui? can has? and come backs and strike out the above text and add text that the time is no longer badly off. --Juboxi (talk) 15:48, 9 January 2014 (EET)
Within few seconds of the other Linux machine's clock now. UTC+2 16:07 n'est pas? --Juboxi (talk) 16:07, 9 January 2014 (EET)

Obviously needs a way to read all relevant templates in Wikipedia into database, either via DBpedia or Wikidata and in the longer term try to build support for both as sources of datafeed.

Been occupied by failure in Debian6 -> Debian7 upgrade on a non-critical netbook. Everything crucial was backupped. Installed the new clean Debian7 on a 40GB file system I got from clearing an old Ubuntu and leaving the old Debian6 and Win7 disks intact. The only use besides holding written work is to verify that the mysqldump dumps actually work. Gonna work on restoring that tomorrow

Friday 2014-01-03[edit | edit source]

Happy new year people!

To choose correct MediaWiki/Extensions and formulate correct templates is crucial to not doing a bad job at moving to implementation phase ( c.consumium.org ).

Trying to get the SSL to work ... not much success

Got SSL working for https://c.consumium.org :D :D --Juboxi (talk) 15:29, 3 January 2014 (EET)

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