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XML dump

From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 08:31, 12 March 2004 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (We have XML-export enabled...)

Consumerium must be able to do an XML dump of the Content Wiki and Opinion Wiki at any time, if the material in them is GFDL:

The terms of the GFDL require certain access to source text. Any element of the GFDL text corpus must remain available in source form to anyone, and no page in it can be distributed without the URL of a source form that can be instantly retrieved by anyone. This includes those "banned" by the sysop power structure. Mediawiki provides this with "edit page" or "view source" links on every page, and the Special:Export facility in recent versions.

We have XML-export enabled for this Development Wiki since the upgrade to the new MediaWiki-software, but the only wiki-software that currently supports the import is GetWiki

Some individual wikis may provide bulk releases in various formats as well, as we do. See MySQL dump for instructions on downloading.

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