Abbreviations used in Consumerium R&D Wiki
Not including household things like HTML, XML, HTTP, or should it? Mainly just internal abbreviations for faster input.
Oh yeah: Let's try and not forge our own jargon that makes the discussions prohibitively difficult to follow for non-consuholics.
Abbreviations for organisations, concepts and Consumerium articles
- AWR : 142.177.X.X/Anti Wikipedia Rants - The troll known as 142.177.X.X has been on the warpath with Wikipedia due to him/her getting banned from there and numerous other places
- BT: Bluetooth
- ConsuML: Consumerium Markup Language
- CSR: Corporate social responsibility
- FLO: Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International
- ebXML: Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language
- EPZ: Export processing zone
- D-U-N-S: Dun&Bradstreet equity identification number, obtaining one is free. Querying them is prohibitively expensive/difficult
- EAN: European Article Numbering
- EAN.UCC: Joint Effort by EAN-international and UCC for unification of coding systems
- ECRA: Ethical Consumer Research Association
- GCP: Global Company Prefix administered by EAN.UCC
- GLN: Global Location Number administered by EAN.UCC
- GSMP: Global Standards Management Process, initiative by EAN.UCC
- GTIN: Shared namespace containing both EAN and UPC codes administered by EAN.UCC
- ISIN: International Securities Identification Numbering System (see ISO-6166)
- OASIS: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
- PoS: Point-of-Sale
- SF: Sourceforge
- SSCC: Serial Shipping Container Code, administered by EAN.UCC
- SRC ;) : Socially Responsible Consuming
- SRI: Socially Responsible Investing
- UCC: Uniform Code Council, administers UPC-A and UPC-E code systems
- UHC: Ultimate Holding Company (this term is used by the folks at ECRA-site)
- UNECE : United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- UN/LOCODE: United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations
- UPC-A: Uniform Product Code A, Product indentification system in the US & CA, administered by UCC
- UPC-E: Uniform Product Code E, for small products, Product indentification system in the US & CA, administered by UCC
- QoS: Quality of Service
Abbreviations used in article summaries
- fmt - format
- para - paragraph
- rm - remove
- rv - revert
- tyop - typo
See also: