Extensions provide numerous ways to extend the core functionality of MediaWiki in ways that are more likely not to break on MediaWiki upgrades. Some types of extensions store their code inside the wiki which should be utterly avoided as then the MediaWiki team cannot assure to not break on upgrades. No guarantees are given but given a clean implementation of task X we've no need to reinvent the wheel.
It would seem that adding extensions is not the problematic part but removing them in a clean manner after they've been added at some point previously.
Key extensions
- #MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle takes care of our multilinguality.
- #Wikibase and #Wikibase Client are being developed as a part of the Wikidata project will be our structured data storage, retrieval and modification extension duo. It remains to be seen how #LinkedWiki extensions with similar functionality by the DBpedia people will develop from now on. Going to keep a close eyeon it
See also:
- Templates - they enable transcluding content. build whole page with transcluding many templates into it
- Categories - two-way hyperlinks. placing a link to a category includes an article in the w:set of articles in the category X
- MediaWiki/Widgets
Headlined of the planned edit
Basic stuff edit
Obviously we want to have #EVAL, #Call, #Math, #Loops, #HashTables and #Arrays for starters.
Automation edit
#LinkedWiki so we can fetch from Wikipedia based datasets ( courtesy of DBpedia ) from category and infobox data things by using w:SPARQL. Wikidata also provides structured data that can be edited in wiki by humans or by machines via w:API.
Consumium will use both DBpedia and Wikidata to source information onto it's own Extensions:Wikibase installation.
- ) Type of business entity
- ) Traded as stock X in stock exchange Y
- ) Industry/ies
- ) Founded in
- ) HQ location
- ) Area served / operates in
- ) Products
- ) Revenue
- ) Operating income
- ) Net income
- ) Total Assets
- ) Total equity
- ) Number of employees
- ) Subsidiaries
- ) Corporate web site
See DBpedia for more of the datasets they are making available with possibility to run SPARQL queries on the endpoint they provide as a courtesy to the user.
I18N and localization edit
MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle edit
All languages will be served from single wiki utilizing mw:MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle. It contains the following extensions
- )Universal Language Selector - For selecting UI and content language
- )Translate extension - For multilang support in single wiki
- )Localisation Update extension
- )Clean Changes extension for a Recent Changes view without multilinguality induced clutter
- )Babel extension - List languages and find other speakers of your languages onwiki
- )cldr extension - Common w:Locale Data Repository,
Possibly out of date edit
#LanguageSelector will enable people to have the MediaWiki interface localized based on accept langs the browser sends and #LandingCheck enables to make and serve pages based on what locale ( lang + country ) is given. #Common Locale Data Repository mw:Extension:CLDR - The CLDR extension contains local language names for different languages, countries, and currencies extracted from w:Common Locale Data Repository data is obviously useful for the i18n effort.
Single sign-on edit
Will be implemented with #CentralAuth so that and will share a single-login database over the two wikis.
Data storage and use edit
Latest edit
Data will be stored in a w:Triplestore as w:RDF subject/predicate/object triplets which will be synced with from both Wikidata and DBpedia. Own Wikidata instance will be at and queried with w:SPARQL and used to fill in the facts for each and all languages.
Out of date edit
#KeyValue is an extension that allows you to store one or more key/values as Category/Key/Value triplets on a mediawiki page by using the keyvalue function. The data is stored in textform and is not typed. This extension will likely form the back bone of setting data only once and then using it to create articles for all desired locales.
Reviews edit
#ArticleFeedback enables stars of maximum stars type of polling with possibility for multiple polls for different aspects. Will be used for reviews and could potentially be h4xed to handle the voting with it's possibility to vote zeroes. Reviews extension also is potential code that could be used for the reviews.
Feedback edit
#ArticleFeedbackv5 is a textbox feedback system and most likely used as a front-end to the consumer when s/he sends feedback
Ads and anti-ads edit
#Widgets and especially the widget is a clear, reliable, safe way to have the advertisement videos and anti-ads
Linking to other sites/wikis edit
#BADI Pages Created Links - ability to color outgoing links based on "article exists in target wiki/site / article does not exist. For example this will be used to link to the relevant Wikitravel and Transnationale articles.
Housekeeping edit
Obviously #BrokenLinks for housekeeping.
Editor convenience edit
#NewArticleTemplates enables to insert article skeletons into edit boxes when creating article and #HideEmptySections hides all sections that are empty when viewing an article. This way we can have large article skeleton for the convenience of the editors but avoid articles seeming like skeletons as empty headers will not display.
#Cite - obviously going to need citations for any controversial claims.
#HeadersFooters - ability to have headers and footers to be included on a global, namespace, category or page basis. Useful for placing copyright and other notes where-ever neede
#CSS MenuSidebar - navigation to special and other pages via additional menus to the sidebar
User convenience edit
#Maps shows places on maps
#GeoData ability to attach coordinates to article and publish them via the HTTP API
#Lingo - tooltip pop-ups that explain terminology and abbreviations on the site.
#FaviconLink places the favico image of a site before the link.
Sysop(presseur)ator convenience edit
#Replace Text allows text manipulation by plaintext or regex affecting articles or article names
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:HashTables | Ability to make w:hash tables from template-data and to fill templates with data from hash tables. | This combined with storing and fetching to/from database so that database maybe manipulated from wiki and the wiki manipulated from the database. In some tasks #Arrays will be much more efficient, but as a catch-all way of storing values in templates in articles hash tables are an excellent idea. | mw:Parser function | Tested on 1.17 | |
mw:Extension:ArticleFeedback | stars of maximum stars rating system with multple polls for different aspects | for reviews | mw:API | 1.18 and up only | |
mw:Extension:ArticleFeedbackv5 | textbox feedback system | could be used to collect the feedback to a company | mw:API | 1.18 |
Implementation types of extensions edit
The implementation strategy(s) employed in building this extension. This parameter is used to create categories that help programmers find examples of various MediaWiki specific implementation strategies or patterns. Although the values of this parameter sometimes coincide with the use case or purpose of an extension, that is not reason for this parameter. If the values you have chosen for this parameter do not adequately identify the purpose or possible use cases, we recommend you add additional category links as needed.
- mw:parser - catchall for uncategorized parser extensions. If you have written a parser extension, please use one of the following more specific types:
- mw:link - customized link markup, e.g. mw:...
- mw:parser function - custom parameterized template markup, e.g. {{#name: ... }}
- mw:tag - custom XML tag markup, e.g. <tagname>...</tagname>
- mw:variable - custom unparameterized template markup, e.g. {{NAME}}
- mw:extended syntax - Extensions that add non-standard wiki syntax (i.e. not tags, parser functions, or variables).
- mw:access - catchall for user access extensions, that is, extensions that create, authenticate, grant permissions, revoke permissions, or monitor the activity of users. If you have written an access extension, please use one of the following more specific types:
- mw:user activity - extensions that monitor user activity (logins, logouts, new user creation, etc.)
- mw:user identity - extensions that create and delete users, and/or verify the identity of a user
- mw:user rights - extensions to the rights management system, e.g. changes to the way rights are assigned, API, maintenance tools (does not include extensions that merely name the rights needed to use the features of that extension; for this purpose use the rights parameter)
- interface - catchall for uncategorized user interface extensions.
- mw:media - extensions that permit the embedding of multimedia content on wiki pages by registering a file extension with $wgMediaHandlers.
- mw:mywiki - extensions that provide infrastructure so that users may personalize their MediaWiki experience and/or assist in the management of that infrastructure
- mw:notify - extensions that email users, broadcast messages and provide other forms of community notification
- mw:page action - extensions that enhance or modify page actions. This includes anything that implements an action that reads, writes, searches for, creates, renames, deletes, redirects or discusses a page. It does not include rights (use user rights) or logs (use user activity).
- mw:search - extensions that search through and select articles for users.
- mw:skin - extensions adding CSS or JavaScript, or implementing hook functions to change the look and feel of MediaWiki via the skins framework.
- mw:ajax - extensions that use Ajax programming techniques.
- mw:special - extensions that subclass the SpecialPage class, use one of its hooks, or patch one or more functions in SpecialPage.php. See Manual:Special pages for more information.
- mw:pfunc - same as parser function
Current edit
Extensions currently installed on this development wiki. Also applicable to the implementation wiki.
- mw:Extension:SpamBlacklist - regexes against spammers - installed and working.
- mw:Extension:ConfirmEdit - installed and working.
Listing extensions that could be useful for the implementation wiki
Planned edit
A edit
- mw:Extension:AJAX_Poll - enables embedding AJAX based polls
- mw:Extension:AccessPostgres - Enables reading and writing values from/to a postgres database to/from articles
- mw:Extension:AmMap - Allows embedding interactive AmMap flash maps
- mw:Extension:Approved_Revs - an extension that lets administrators mark a certain revision of a page as "approved".
Arrays edit
mw:Extension:Arrays - Allows parser functions that manipulate arrays
ArticleFeedback edit
- mw:Extension:ArticleFeedback - allows users to rate articles. This could potentially be used for reviews and/or voting
ArticleFeedbackv5 edit
- mw:Extension:ArticleFeedbackv5 - for collecting user feedback about articles This could potentially be used to collect the feedback which then needs to be delivered to the businesses.
- mw:Extension:ArticleToCategory2 - Adds a textbox to category-pages to streamline adding pages to categories
- mw:Extension:AuthorProtect - Allows the author of an article to protect it against editing by others. Could be useful for voting pages.he
- mw:Extension:AutoCategoryInclude - Checks for categories and includes templates ( without messy wikitext ) into pages based on the categories. Could be very useful for constructing infoboxen on company / product pages.
- mw:Extension:AutoLanguage - Displays a page in the language specified in a user preference. Looks very old and maybe not up-to-date but the source should be interesting reading for anyone looking to implement many languages in one wiki.
B edit
BADI Pages Created Links edit
- mw:Extension:BADI_Pages_Created_Links - Allows display of links in toolbox to other wiki or wiki-like sites whereby links will be colored differently depending on whether the page there has been created yet or not. Status determined by response code or Last-Modified HTTP HEAD requests.
Back Links Functions ( constructing the voting machinery probably can use at least functions from this edit
- mw:Extension:BackLinksFunctions - This does what it's name says. The code is ancient, but will be essential reading to anyone developing a voting system where votes are kept in wiki pages
BrokenLinks edit
They on BrokenLinks:
- Special Page which checks all links in table _externallinks and reports on those that return an HTTP response 4xx or 5xx
Us on BrokenLinks:
- Obviously very useful for housekeeping the links to businesses.
- mw:Extension:BucketVoting - The bucket voting extension to mediawiki allows people to distribute a number of votes between a number of options, so they can vote based on how important things are to them. This is known as w:cumulative voting.
C edit
CleanChanges edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:CleanChanges | The CleanChanges extension is based on enhanced changes list, but it tries to be more concise by hiding less important information by default. It needs JavaScript to be fully functional. It works best in wikis where changes per user ratio is high. It also provides two extra filters: by user and by language code suffix. | Enables per language and by user Special:RecentChanges | mw:User interface | 1.16-1.20 |
Common Locale Data Repository edit
- mw:Extension:CLDR - The CLDR extension contains local language names for different languages, countries, and currencies extracted from w:Common Locale Data Repository data.
Useable to fetch proper localized string for countries, areas, languages and currencies
Call - ablility to pass variables to pages edit
- mw:Extension:Call - ability to pass variables to templates to generate dynamic wiki pages
CategoryCloud and CategoryTagCloud - 2 competing w:tag cloud implementations edit
- mw:Extension:CategoryCloud - Create a w:tag cloud from category data
- mw:Extension:CategoryTagCloud - Creates topic clouds from category data
CategoryIndex - Using keys ( external to articles ) to make category associations ( Parser function ) edit
They on CategoryIndex:
- This extensions allows you to create categories of pages where the page is added with key value, which can be displayed on the lists of parties or categories used to select subset of pages from category.
Us on CategoryIndex:
- Perhaps this could be utilized to enter datas for many pages in single pages and also propagated to all languages
CategoryIntersection - where are the other set operations ? edit
- mw:Extension:CategoryIntersection - Maintains a table with hash values for category intersections within a page to allow searching category intersections
CategoryOnUpload edit
They on Extension:CategoryOnUpload:
- Dropdown menu when uploading images to add the image to a category
Us on Extension:CategoryOnUpload:
- Makes it easier and faster to categorize a file you are uploading to the file upload wiki.
Create_Page, CreateAPage and CreateArticle edit
- mw:Extension:Create_Page - parser function, user interface
- mw:Extension:CreateAPage - mw:special page
- mw:Extension:CreateArticle - mw:tag, mw:page action
They on Create_Page:
- ...
Us on Create_Page:
- Trivial. Adds a textbox where you can enter the name of the new article. Maybe if chained with #NewArticleTemplates it might provide some ease of use to the end-consumer
CentralAuth edit
mw:Extension:CentralAuth - Unified loging accross wikis
CheckUser edit
mw:Extension:CheckUser - allows checking what IPs nicks use and what nicks are used by IPs
Cite edit
mw:Extension:Cite - Cite is an extension which allows a user to create footnotes.
CoAuthor edit
mw:Extension:CoAuthor - The CoAuthor extension provides a tool for finding the co-authors for a given wiki user
Comments edit
mw:Extension:Comments - Comments extension adds the <comments> parser hook tag to allow commenting on articles where the tag is present. Comments extension adds the <comments> parser hook tag to allow commenting on articles where the tag is present.
Extension:CSS MenuSidebar edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:CSS MenuSidebar | This extension makes it possible to create additional sidebar elements as a menus with dropdown items. | This will be useful for example for collecting all Special:-pages added by the other extensions for reader and editor convenience. | mw:User interface | 1.16 and earlier and later |
D edit
Data edit
mw:Extension:Data - This extensions is not actively developed but we really need something like this.
Data Aggregator edit
mw:Extension:Data Aggregator - ability to collect data across articles with uniform templates
DynamicSidebar edit
mw:Extension:DynamicSidebar - Provides dynamic sidebars based on user pages, groups, and categories.
E edit
EasyTimeline edit
mw:Extension:EasyTimeline for making timelines
Eval edit
mw:Extension:Eval The eval extension enables mathematical and logical operations in MediaWiki.
ExpandTemplates edit
mw:Extension:ExpandTemplates - helpful tool template makers
ExpensiveSubpageList or SubPageList edit
mw:Extension:ExpensiveSubpageList or mw:Extension:SubPageList provide navigational structures for sub-pages.
External Data edit
mw:Extension:External Data - The External Data extension allows MediaWiki pages to retrieve, filter, and format data from one or more sources. In addition to external URLs, data can also come from a regular wiki page, an uploaded file, an LDAP directory, or a relational database.
F edit
FaviconLink edit
mw:Extension:FaviconLink- Fethes the favicon and places it before the link - Why not ..
Form edit
mw:Extension:Form - The extension lets users create new articles with a form. Administrators create a form in the MediaWiki namespace, and this form can be used to create a new article using a particular template.
G edit
GeoData edit
mw:Extension:GeoData - The GeoData extension allows articles to specify their geographical coordinates and publishes these coordinates via the HTTP API.
GIS edit
mw:Extension:Gis - short for Geographic Information System. Likely need will arise for this.
GlobalUserGroups edit
mw:Extension:GlobalUserGroups - Allows the use of defined local user groups as global groups
GlobalUserrights edit
mw:Extension:GlobalUserrights - Allows easy management of global user rights through Special:GlobalUserrights
H edit
HashTables edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:HashTables | Ability to make w:hash tables from template-data and to fill templates with data from hash tables. Enhances the parser with hash table functions and a function to store all parameters given to a template. | This combined with storing and fetching to/from database so that database maybe manipulated from wiki and the wiki manipulated from the database. In some tasks #Arrays will be much more efficient, but as a catch-all way of storing values in templates in articles hash tables are an excellent idea. | mw:Parser function | Tested on 1.17 | BINGO! Now we need only a way to store these in a database and fetch them from the database and we're set for a system that we can edit wiki and get stored in database and edit database and wiki get affected. Naturally using #Arrays can be much more efficient then a hash table when there is much sequential access of values / keys tables .. Using a hash table to store all things and no arrays certainly makes much more sense then using an array to store all things and no hash tables. |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:HeadersFooters | Allows you to specify article headers and footers to be included on a global, namespace, category or page basis. | Could be useful somewhere | mw:Parser extension | unknown, last version in Nov 2011 |
HideEmptySections edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:HideEmptySections | This extension hides any section that does not have any text associated with it. | This will most likely be used so that the company and product articles have a big skeleton where people can fill in info but to only display the sections where info has already been added. <!-- comments --> naturally also count as 'empty' | mw:Hook | 1.14 |
I edit
I18nTags edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:I18nTags | The i18nTags extension provides access to i18n functions for number formatting, grammar and plural in any available language. | mw:Tag, mw:Parser functions |
ImageTagging edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:ImageTagging | ImageTagging extension lets a user select regions of an embedded image and associate an article with that region. Images can be viewed by tag. Tagging is shown in a new tag log. | Could have use in building visual navigation structures | mw:Special page, User interface | 1.11+ |
Include WP edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Include WP | Possibility to include WP ( or other mediawiki installation ) content into articles | Might be useful but not yet clear how / where should be used | mw:Tag, mw:Parser functions, mw:API | 1.16 and up |
Interwiki edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Interwiki | Allows managing interwiki table onwiki. | mw:Special page | 1.16+ |
J edit
K edit
KeyValue edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:KeyValue | KeyValue is an extension that allows you to store one or more key/values on a mediawiki page by using the keyvalue function. | Could be used to centrally store company data only once and then used in many articles | mw:Parser function mw:Special page | 1.16 | - |
L edit
Labeled Section Transclusion edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Labeled Section Transclusion | This extension allows selective transclusion of marked-off sections of text. | Could be useful for transcluding product and brand page sections into the company page | mw:Tag, mw:Parser function | 1.7+ |
LandingCheck edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:LandingCheck | LandingCheck makes using localized and geotargeted landing pages easy. It was created as a replacement for the GeoLite extension. | mw:Special page | unknown |
LanguageSelector edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:LanguageSelector | The LanguageSelector extension provides detection of the interface language to use for anonymous visitors, and a menu for selecting the user language on each page, for logged in users as well as anonymous visitors. | mw:MyWiki, mw:Tag, mw:Locale | 1.11+ |
Lingo edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Lingo | Lingo is a glossary extension to MediaWiki, that lets you define abbreviations and their definitions on a wiki page. It displays these definitions whenever an abbreviation is hovered over in an article. | mw:Extended syntax, mw:Skin | 1.16+ |
LinkedWiki edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:LinkedWiki / MediaWiki/Extensions/LinkedWiki | Ability to perform SPARQL queries | mw:Parser extension, mw:Special page and mw:Data extraction | 1.16 or higher |
LogoFunctions edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:LogoFunctions | The LogoFunctions extension adds a parser function about the wiki's logo. | Surely being able to set logo per page and per namespace will be useful | mw:Parser function | 1.12 or higher | mw:Extension:Logotipo does pretty much the same thing |
Loops edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Loops | While, do-while and other kinds of loops similar to those used in programming languages. | mw:Parser function | 1.14+ | status: stable |
M edit
Maps edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Maps | Maps is the MediaWiki extension that provides the ability to visualize geographic data with dynamic, JavaScript based, mapping API's such as Google Maps and OpenLayers in your wiki pages. | Better user experience with graphical linking | mw:Parser functions, mw:Tag | 1.15 or higher | release status: stable |
Memento edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Memento | The idea of the Memento extension is it to make it as straightforward to access articles of the past as it is to access their current version. | mw:Data extraction, mw:User interface | 1.19+ |
Meta tags to HTTP headers edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:MetaDescriptionTag, mw:Extension:MetaKeywords, mw:Extension:MetaKeywordsTag and mw:Extension:MetaTags | Ways to add meta-tags to response headers | mw: |
Multi-Category Search edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Multi-Category Search | This extension allows users to find pages which are included in several specified categories at once. | mw:Search, mw:Special page, mw:Data extraction | 1.9 or higher | release status: stable |
N edit
NewArticleTemplates edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:ExtensionNewArticleTemplates: | NewArticleTemplates is an Extension that allows you to automatically prefill text of new pages with the contents of other predefined wiki-pages. It is possible to distinguish between namespaces and specify a different text for new subpages. | NewArticleTemplates is an Extension that allows you to automatically prefill text of new pages with the contents of other predefined wiki-pages. It is possible to distinguish between namespaces and specify a different text for new subpages. Obviously does what it says. Enables per-namespace pre-loadable ( into the edit box ) texts for new articles i.e. we can have a skeleton for creating a new product, brand, company, area, country and NGO etc. no need to copy-paste. Whether the template given for an article can be given if not all things are split into separate namespaces is possible is not know. | mw:User interface | tested 1.9 up to 1.18.X | See also: #HideEmptySections that will work in tandem with this extension |
Nuke edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Nuke | Nuke is an extension that makes it possible for sysops to mass delete pages. It was written by Brion Vibber in September 2005. It is running on all Wikimedia sites. | mw:Special page and mw:Page action | 1.11 - 1.18+ | release status: stable |
NumberFormat edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:NumberFormat | Formats raw numbers for better readability | mw:Parser function | 1.15+ | release status: stable |
P edit
PageNotice edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:PageNotice | Ability to add headers and footers on a per-article and per-namespace basis. | mw:Notify | 1.10 | Similar functionality to #HeadersFooters |
PrefSwitch edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:PrefSwitch | v | 1.19 |
ProtectSection edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:ProtectSection | ProtectSection implements <protect>...</protect> tags that prevent the enclosed text from being modified by editors who are not sysops or bureaucrats (or more generally, do not have the 'protectsection' user right). | mw:User rights, mw:Tag | 1.12+ |
Q edit
QPoll edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:QPoll | Versatile polling embedded into wiki | mw:Parser function, mw:Tag, mw:Special page, mw:Database | 1.15-1.17 | release status: beta |
QRCodeOnLoad edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:QRCodeOnLoad | This extension codes the URL of the actual page into a QR-Code by using Google APIs and displays the w:QR code on the page. | This enables scanning a link from another consumer's worn device or other screen or printouts | mw:Parser function, Media |
release status: experimental |
QRCode edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:QRCode | Generates qrcodes and adds them to your wiki page | mw:Parser function, Media | 1.12-1.17.X Later ? | release status: beta |
R edit
RDFIO edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:RDFIO | This extension extends the RDF import and export functionality in Semantic MediaWiki by providing import of arbitrary RDF triples and a SPARQL endpoint that allows write operations. | 1.16 or greater, not compatible with latest SMW | Not compatible with latest #Semantic MediaWiki
See also #LinkedWiki which has similar functionality |
RedditTag edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:RedditTag | Adds "reddit this" button | mw:Parser extension |
Regex Fun edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Regex Fun | Parser functions for performing regexes within wiki pages | mw:Parser function | 1.17+ | release status: stable |
Replace Text edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Replace Text | Replace Text is an extension to MediaWiki that provides a special page to allow administrators to do a global string find-and-replace on both the text and titles of the wiki's content pages. | Surely useful for admins to do mass changes using plaintext match or regex | mw:Special page | 1.16 or greater | Release status: stable |
Reviews edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Reviews | The Reviews extension allows users to post Reviews on articles that have been marked as reviewable (using the __REVIEWABLE__ magic word) with one or more ratings. | mw:Special page, mw:Ajax, User interface, mw:API | 1.18.0 or higher | release stathus: beta |
RuntimeVariables edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:RuntimeVariables | Allow setting, retrieving and checking set status of variables settable in wikitext. | mw:Parser function | 1.15 |
S edit
Screencasting edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Screencasting | This extensions adds a screencast recorder to MediaWiki. | mw: | release status: stable |
SecurePoll edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SecurePoll | Special page extension for elections, polls and surveys. | Useful for holding elections securely. | mw:Special page | release status: stable |
SecureWidgets edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SecureWidgets | Securely allows a wiki to have ( HTML ) widgets. | mw:Parser function | 1.11, 1.12 | Apparently provides same as #Widgets |
Semantic Drilldown edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Drilldown | Semantic Drilldown is an extension to MediaWiki that provides a page for drilling down through a site's data, using categories and filters on semantic properties. It is heavily tied in with the Semantic MediaWiki extension, and is meant to be used for structured data that has semantic markup. | mw:Special page | 1.17 or greater | release status: stable |
Semantic Expressiveness edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Expressiveness | Semantic Expressiveness is an enhancement for Semantic MediaWiki. Its main feature is to introduce a new syntax for inline short queries. The purpose of this simplest form of inline query is to provide a powerful tool for fighting redundancies within the wiki. Without Semantic Expressiveness it is customary to declare properties in one place but using the same information again all over the same article or on other pages as simple text representation. With Semantic Expressiveness it is possible to use simple references in form of a new syntax to place the same information in various places without writing redundant information. This way if the property changes, the information will update itself all over the wiki wherever the new syntax is in place. | mw:Extended syntax, mw:Parser function | Very similar to #KeyValue extension. |
Semantic Forms edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Forms | Semantic Forms is an extension to MediaWiki that allows users to add, edit and query data using forms. | This will ease the task of creating new products etc. | mw:Special page, mw:API | 1.17 or greater ( requires #Semantic MediaWiki extension to be installed in order to work. |
Semantic MediaWiki edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic MediaWiki | SMW allows users to add structured data to wiki pages through simple wikitext markup that turns links to other pages and data values in a page into meaningful properties. With this information, SMW helps to search, organize, browse, evaluate, and share the wiki's content. | mw:Link markup, mw:Tag, mw:Extended syntax, mw:Search, mw:Special page | 1.16.0 or greater |
release status: stable |
Semantic Watchlist edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Watchlist | Semantic Watchlist enables users to watch semantic properties by adding a new watchlist page that lists changes to these properties. Users can choose to follow one or more watchlist groups, which are administrator defined, and cover a set of properties and a set of pages (category, namespace, or SMW concept). Notification of changes to watched properties is also possible via email. | mw:Special page, mw:API, User interface mw:Ajax | 1.17.0 or above |
SemanticSVGPrinter edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SemanticSVGPrinter | This extension adds an extra result format to Semantic MediaMiki, to create a SVG image representing the results. | mw:Parser extension | 1.18 ( requires SMW ) | release status: experimental |
ServerAdminLog edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:ServerAdminLog | mw:Special page | 1.19 |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:ShareThis | The ShareThis Extension is a MediaWiki extension which provides links to popular social bookmarking and news sources. | mw:Tag, mw:Skin | 1.16 ( but not higher ) |
Semantic Page Maker edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Page Maker | Semantic Page Maker (formerly pulished as Wiki Editors Extension) is an extension to create a series of wiki pages/templates/categories/properties for certain w:ontology. | mw:Page action | 1.13.5 or greater ( tested up to 1.17 ) | release status: beta |
Semantic Page Series edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Page Series | Semantic Page Series is a MediaWiki extension that allows a wiki user the generation of a series of pages from one Semantic Form. | mw:Special page, mw:Parser function | 1.17+ |
Semantic Result Formats edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Semantic Result Formats | Semantic Result Formats (SRF) is a MediaWiki extension, used in conjunction with the Semantic MediaWiki extension, that bundles a number of further result formats for SMW's inline queries. The individual formats can be added to the installation independently. | Very useful in showing graphs in lists of businesses in industry. | mw: | 1.16.0 or greater ( 1.18 recommended ) |
SparqlExtension edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SparqlExtension | Yet another w:SPARQL system | mw:Hook, mw:Parser function | compatible only with SMW ≤ 1.5.6 |
release status: beta, from 2010 Compare to #LinkedWiki and #RDFIO which are pretty similar Core #Semantic MediaWiki implements some of the functionality that this extension provides |
SubPageFunctions edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SubPageFunctions | When creating a tree of subpages, this extension will provide navigation links from a parent page to its immediate subpages. It is the counterpart to the wiki's parent page links. | mw:Parser function | 1.14 | release status: beta |
SubPageList edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:SubPageList | SubPageList is a lightweight extension to display subpages. | mw:Tag, mw:Parser function | 1.16.0 or above |
T edit
Translate edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Translate | The Translate extension makes MediaWiki a powerful tool to translate every kind of text. It's used especially to translate software and to manage multilingual wikis in a sensible way. | Essential plugin for multilingual wikis | mw:Special page, mw:Locale, mw:API | 1.18 1.19 | release status: stable
used in Translatewiki |
U edit
UnitsFormatter edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:UnitsFormatter | Allows article authors to use a simple markup to enter quantities. Quantities can be entered in a single unit; authors don't need to worry about conversions. | mw:Tag | 1.9 | release status: Experimental |
UniversalSuggester edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:UniversalSuggester | The extension Universal Suggester adds an extra icon to the edit form bar which simplifies the insertion of markup for page (and sections) links, categories, templates, images and media files. | mw:Page action, Search, mw:Ajax | >= 1.13.0 | release status: stable |
UrlGetParameters edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:UrlGetParameters | This extension enables you to use and/or display the "GET" parameters of the URL, i.e. the query string, on the wiki page. | mw:Parser function | 1.10.x or higher | release status: stable |
T edit
Translate edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Translate | The Translate extension makes MediaWiki a powerful tool to translate every kind of text. It's used especially to translate software and to manage multilingual wikis in a sensible way. | Very useful extension for the multiple langues in one wiki ( ! ) | mw:Special page, mw:Locale, mw:API | 1.18, 1.19 |
W edit
W4G Rating Bar edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:W4G Rating Bar | W4G Rating Bar provides a page rating system. | Rating system with possibility to anonymize votes | mw:Parser function, mw:Tag, mw:Ajax, mw:Special page, mw:Database | 1.16, 1.17 |
Widgets edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Widgets | The Widgets extension allows the creation of raw HTML pages that can be embedded (similarly to templates) in normal wiki pages. You do this by creating pages in the Widget namespace. | contains a list of available known widgets | mw:Parser function | 1.12+ |
MediaWiki/Widgets - obviously we want to enable the Youtube widget so we can embed ads and anti-ads into articles.
Wikibase edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Wikibase | Wikibase is an extension that allows you to use your wiki as a w:structured data repository. Its development is part of the Wikidata project. The data can in turn be used in a wiki using the #Wikibase Client extension. | Wikibase will be used to keep Consumium's own structured data | mw:API, mw:Ajax, mw:User interface, mw:ContentHandler | 1.21.0 and up |
Wikibase Client edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:Wikibase Client | Wikibase Client is an extension that acts as a client to the Wikibase extension. Its development is part of the Wikidata project. Wikibase Client obtains interlanguage links from a Wikibase repository via a shared changes database table and polling maintenance script, and displays them on the client wiki. Links are sorted by the client's preferred sorting. | Not listed | 1.20.0 and up | Client for #Wikibase |
WikiLexicalData edit
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension:WikiLexicalData | Wikidata allows to configure some namespaces to use several fields of different types (text, Combobox, etc.) on one wikipage and to store these fields in a structured database. | mw:API, mw:Ajax | 1.18, 1.19 |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension: | mw: |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension: | mw: |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension: | mw: |
Extension | General description | Consumium specific | Implementation | Compabilities | Other notes |
mw:Extension: | mw: |
List of possible extension types borrowed from under that clauses of GFDL