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Countries of the world

From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 15:37, 24 January 2004 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (note about 44hr working weeks in South Korea)

This page is for accumulating country information of specific usefullness for Consumerium Services. Also this page serves the purpose of forming a Country template for use in Content Wiki once we figure out what information can be reliably collected.

See w:List of countries for general information on countries of the world.

Here be the current skeleton

  • Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES/NO/Not determined
  • ...
  • ...




Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

South Korea

Workers' rights

Apparently the workers' situation in South Korea is terrible. There are reports of trade union activists commiting suicide to attract attention to the workers' rights situation in South Korea. see Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) web site for more information

South Korea has propably the longest workweeks in all the developed world with 6-day weeks with 44 hours average working time. There have been rumors that South Korea will be switching to 5-day working week in 2005 but there is yet no confirmation on whether this is true.


Finland (Suomi)

Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

Ireland (Eire)

Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

Netherlands (Nederland)

Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

Sweden (Sverige)

Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

North and Central America



Registered companies searchable in Internet? YES

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