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Below are transcluded Finland-specific portions of a few lists.

Countries of the world § Finland[edit | edit source]

Registered companies searchable in Internet? Yes[edit | edit source]

Law online[edit | edit source]

Consumer empowerment and activism efforts in Finland[edit | edit source]

Help for consumers in Finland[edit | edit source]

Finnish labels[edit | edit source]

Be vegan in Finland[edit | edit source]

Buy local in Finland[edit | edit source]

Reducing, reusing and recycling in Finland[edit | edit source]

Getting used things to someone that needs them in Finland[edit | edit source]

  • https://store.emmy.fi/ - online webshop for selling and buying 2nd hand clothes.
  • https://kiertonet.fi/ - an auction place intended for the public sector
  • https://rekki.fi/ - buy and sell brand-name 2nd hand clothes
  • https://tise.com/ - buy and sell 2nd hand clothes, a web and mobile apps by Tise AS. Also available in a few other countries
  • https://www.tori.fi/ - an online marketplace that can be used via web or smartphone app.
  • https://vahankaytetty.fi/ - online 2nd hand market. If you want to sell items (mostly clothing) you can send them to vahankaytetty.fi and they take care of selling and mailing the products to the buyers.
  • https://zadaa.co/ - a Finnish online 2nd hand marketplace that works via smartphone app. Also in Denmark and Germany.
  • Mjukhome.com is a 2nd hand marketplace for (designer) interior items

Sharing economy in Finland[edit | edit source]

Recycle in Finland[edit | edit source]

Information about Finland[edit | edit source]

Billing services in Finland (for individuals)[edit | edit source]

  • e-tunnus.fi[1st seen in 2] by Suomen e-tunnus Oy. The company was founded in Tampere in June 2013[2]. Affiliated with Visma and uses their services and has C/O address at Visma Services. Commission unknown.
  • Finjob.fi by Finjob Oy. Founded in Kuopio in May 2017.[3] Commission 3,23 %
  • Floy.fi by FLOY OY. Founded in Espoo in May 2016[4] Commission 4,0%
  • Keikkalasku.fi by Parage Oy (under auxiliary business name Suomen Keikkalasku Oy) contains salary simulator. Founded in Helsinki in February 2018.[6] No commisssion. Price based on 5€ or 10€ fee per billing.
  • Laskuttamo.com by Laskuttamo Oy, founded in Vantaa in September 2020.[7] Commission 3-4%
  • Pooli.fi by Laskutuspalvelu Pooli Oy. Founded in February 2020.[10] Commission 5% + additional service fee 2,8% and social security insurancefee 1,53%
  • Uuras.fi kevytyrittäjäpalvelu by Suomen GTM Osuuskunta[14]. Suomen GTM Osuuskunta was founded in Helsinki in July 2018. Auxiliary business name Kevytyrittäjäpalvelu Uuras registered in October 2020. Commission 4% + aditional fee 2,5% which which includes health insurance, operational liability insurance and occupational accident insurance.

Tutorials and comparisons of billing services for individuals

  • https://uusityo.fi/ is the industry trade association of the billing services providers that claims that its members comprise 95% of the revenua in the industry

Wikipedia articles about things in Finland[edit | edit source]

Employment agencies in Finland[edit | edit source]

List of alternative financial services in Finland[edit | edit source]

List of Finnish alternative financial services lists[edit | edit source]

View Consumerium list of price comparison services in Finland for more finance related comparison shopping websites].

List of P2P financial services in Finland[edit | edit source]

List of alternative investment schemes in Finland[edit | edit source]

Lists of price comparison services[edit | edit source]

Tämä on Kuluttajisto (Consumerium) kuluttajien voimaannuttamishankkeen toimialoittain aakkosellinen lista Suomessa relevanteista hintaseurantapalveluista.

  • Lista vertaislainapalveluista Suomessa - lainaa vertaisilta vertaisille. Mahtava esim. pikavippihelvetistä ulospääsemiseen ja miksei myös PK-yrityksen pienlainaukseen. Pankille nollan prosentin siivu.

Car price comparison services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Autojen hintaseuranta

  • https://www.auto1.fi/hintaseuranta/ tracking car prices over time. Great for getting the ballpark on price of used cars in Finland. Käytettyjen autojen hintaseurantapalvelu. Näppärä käytetyn auton pyyntöhintojen vilkaisulla näyttävä työkalu.

Contact lens price comparison services in Finland[edit | edit source]

List of loan comparators in Finland[edit | edit source]

Price comparison services for electronics and other goods sold in webshops in Finland[edit | edit source]

Hintaseurantapalvelut elektroniikalle ja muille webshopeissa myytäville tuotteille Suomessa.

Travel price comparison services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Matkustushintaseurantapalvelut Suomessa

Electricity comparison services in Finland

Sähkövertailupalvelut Suomessa.

Telecom comparison services in Finland

Gasoline and other fuel price comparison services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Real estate broker price comparison services in Finland[edit | edit source]

  • https://www.asuntojenmyynti.fi/ free service to compare real estate brokers' commissions and other costs for selling property and renting property. You can also request tenders for real estate broker services via this service.

Lists of review aggregators and review sites[edit | edit source]

Aggregaattoreita[edit | edit source]

Syö, yövy, nauti ja koe[edit | edit source]

Löydä hoiva- ja hoitopalveluita[edit | edit source]

  • https://www.care.com/fi-fi/ etsi palveluita tai töitä aloilta: lastenhoito, au pair, yksityisopetus, vammaispalvelut, vanhustenhoito, eläintenhoito ja kotihoito

Lists of shared and alternative transport and traveler routers[edit | edit source]

Multi-modal and local journey planners in Finland[edit | edit source]

[1st seen in 3]

Local journey planners in Finland[edit | edit source]

These are powered by Digitransit journey planner software at digitransit.fi, an easy-to-access service platform provided by HSL, Fintraffic and TVV LMJ Oy.

Single mode of transport journey planners in Finland[edit | edit source]

Multi-modal Mobility as a Service apps in Finland[edit | edit source]

Other services for travelers[edit | edit source]

  • http://www.junat.net/en/ - realtime traffic schedule for any train station in Finland. Available also as an iOS app.
  • http://peruutetutlennot.fi/ - if your flight was delayed more than 2 hours you are entitled to compensation. Peruutetutlennot.fi takes care of claiming on your (and other travelers) behalf and only charges it's fee if claim was successfull. The site also lists delays of Finland bound or outbound flights in real-time as a service to air travelers.

Carpooling services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Peer-to-Peer carsharing services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Carsharing services in Finland[edit | edit source]

Services to find a taxi in Finland[edit | edit source]

  • Taksinumerot.fi - taxi companies phone numbers for all of Finland, sorted by municipality, free of charge, by Aittakoodi Ltd.[1st seen in 6].
  • Tilaataksi.fi - With a single request for quote, you reach taxis across Finland! - Information regarding your request for quote goes out to our network of over 140 bus and taxi operators by email every business day at 10 AM. Operators respond to your request for quote by logging into the SynergyBus service with their login IDs.. A service by Aittakoodi Ltd.[1st seen in 6]

Services to find chartered bus or minibus in Finland[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2783598&tarkiste=7EE937A5DA3A5C7EE7E6268D4AC817C2673AED9E
  2. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2454421&tarkiste=19FAAD7891C2A9302BA9641D05F7CE645D9D5F1B
  3. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2415642&tarkiste=340AC6D18E3AEAA07C4B32B6C70C39C0F5749BF7
  4. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2623650&tarkiste=84A7AA0309B5C43870BFA78B4D8B77384DD8E205
  5. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2659659&tarkiste=455558B70654CB589C440CF72C49933F9D0F3214
  6. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2724941&tarkiste=25C6C4775EE7DE97E77FA7EDB8B703CAF9798A59
  7. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2945830&tarkiste=2D42FC4334BFB82969331409787DE1CC115808E4
  8. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2201216&tarkiste=3039B40A584675BEC12BDA9EE34CC1DD272EF1C8
  9. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2319784&tarkiste=8D1E0FB2579140F5C70700B7FFAACA23299A4920
  10. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2907991&tarkiste=7C25A476DA2C93461AA5522B9AC6892E33941AA3
  11. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2453264&tarkiste=EC9F848B484DBED1750C7A12C3395EE311301010
  12. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2689347&tarkiste=1963854700184F5D5CB08A5CEC1F843613502CE7
  13. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2928012&tarkiste=E6DBDD4637C1EB10FBFBD38DF7BB5EBAF788105D
  14. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2757847&tarkiste=5AAEF67241E2F85BE25530AFCF34FCC2048CB0D9
  15. https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2448137&tarkiste=60F4D778CBD37AF13F2D96553B7B94C08CD2142E

History references[edit | edit source]

  1. formerly known as freekevytyrittaja.fi

1st seen in[edit | edit source]

  1. a Finnish Facebook group "Eettinen, ekologinen ja vastuullinen muoti" [1] concentrated on ethical and ecological wear
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://omapaja.fi/laskutuspalvelut-vertailussa/
  3. List originally sourced from w:fi:Reittiopas under CC-BY copyleft - date not known
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 https://www.traficom.fi/en/services/matkafi?toggle=Other%20journey%20planning%20services on 2022-04-28
  5. Whimapp advertisements, date unknown
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 https://www.aittakoodi.fi/ on 2022-04-28
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