Consumerium Governance Organization election
A Consumerium Governance Organization election under the supervision of an independent board would potentially elect parties to the following roles that require extreme judgement:
- Lowest Troll of Develop Wiki, from nominees acceptable to all factions of trolls, and probably chosen from those most offensive to sysop power structure of Wikimedia; See Wikipedia (Reds) for why.
- Certain people would be disqualified from this role including the incumbent and probably his most frequent protagonists. Time has come to start fresher.
- Lowest Troll of Research Wiki, from troll-friendly nominees with demonstrated political virtues and no ties or concerns with Wikimedia or other GFDL corpus usurpers, and who have sworn an oath not ever to violate GFDL for purposes for reinforcing a clique.
- Probably no Americans, British, Canadians or Australians should take this role initially, as those countries are most prone to EPOV and technological escalation.
- Chief Editor of Publish Wiki who takes full formal legal responsibility for the Consumerium buying signal in each country.
- liason with Wikinfo to speak officially for Consumerium Services needs for documentation, and create a common front on legal issues against Wikimedia - for instance, to work on class action suits or other means of ensuring editorial independence of all GFDL corpus access providers
- spokespeople in each country to defend charitable status for services that are almost certain to heavily offend at least someone in any given country.
- This will require extensive civil society contacts and probably some pull with bureaucrats.
Exact procedures for such elections will have to be clear of Wikimedia corruption problems, and so should not take place via Mediawiki facilities, and no one who holds sysop status on any Mediawiki should be able to run or vote. If anything there should be systemic bias towards non-users of large public wikis to ensure that people approach these issues with a clear mind and no history of believing lies frothed forth by the lying liars who tell them.