Wikidata (.org) is a project by WikiMedia Foundation initiated in the start of 2012 to develop a data repository called and it's underlying Wikibase extension.
It aims to provide for data ( such as infobox data ) a central repository similarly as the commons does for files.
One of the aims of the project is to make the data accessible to computers as well as humans.
Also interwiki ( inter-language ) links will be hosted in Wikidata removing much redundancy and error-proneness.
Obviously a main source of reference level data.
More info: m:Wikidata
See also
- Database for a higher level view of what is going on with the databases
- Semantic MediaWiki is system for inputting and querying semantic data within the MediaWiki and it is implemented as extension(s).
- DBpedia the original structured data harvesting effort for the MediaWiki wikis