You should be glad trolls are acknowledging that there is any such thing as troll vandalism at all! It is not like sysops acknowledge there is such a thing as sysop vandalism. So trolls are morally superior in knowing that some of their own kind are doing things that are morally indefensible.
Moved from article by Juxo
use of technological escalation
In the SOLLOG case, it is not clear if actually has engaged in vandalbot design or other technological escalation. If his then the pro-SOLLOG forces have become their own sysop power structure
- They have become a sysop power structure only in the sense that no-one else may edit their site because it is a static HTML site where no-one else gets any say to what is being published
and their struggle with the sysops is no longer a troll-sysop struggle nor a troll war between those with equal power relationships, but rather, a simple arms race between two groups using sysop vandalism.
- Let's not mix up established terminology. Sysop vandalism can be done only by those that have sysop rights to a certain wiki (or other site). There is no such thing as sysop vandalism on by parties with no sysop rights.
In that case, neither would be any morally superior to the other, they would just be two groups using different technology, at the same moral level.
- Rubbish