
Revision as of 13:07, 23 July 2003 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (*opinions, facts and arguments regarding buying decisions and their actual effects )

ConsuML is the working draft name for starting a project on Sourceforge.

The following information is required to register a project (I've added the approximations for what this project would use to describe itself):


ConsuML stands for Consumerium Markup Language.

Consumerium is a not-for-profit project, developed under GFDL license, to develop free software and infrastructure for storage, transport and display of product information to consumers and feedback to the producers to enhance the consumer experience, advance product development and to keep this planet as hospitable as possible in the future.

The goal of ConsuML development is to produce an XML tag schema that can be used to markup information about

for use in the Consumerium-project and other applicable Point of Sale applications paying special attention to maintaining the historical data so that when the current data is changed the historical state is preserved for retrospection and

  • XSLT-transformations to facilitate data-interchange with other information systems or languages used to express similar or related information, such as ebXML and IXRetail

*Development: 1 - alpha
*Environment: XML-enabled web environment
*Intended Audience: developers
*License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
*Natural Language: English
*Operating System: Any supporting XML browsing directly or indirectly
*Programming Language: XML, XSLT
*Topic: Message Boards, Other/Nonlisted Topic
*Project UNIX name: ConsuML


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