Talk:Guidelines for claiming corruption cases in Research Wiki
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If human garbage that has actually made friends with Wikimedia will back off, these guidelines can be improved to being actually useful. The case of alleged Wikimedia corruption and involvement of Bomis in subverting any attempt to create an independent board is an excellent Consumerium Research pilot test case, and when the Research Wiki exists, this case can be among the very first it deals with. Advantages of that include:
- Expanding TIPAESA form to better model adversarial processes such as libel chill and perjury claims, which are going to be common in the actual operation of Consumerium Services (see Chief Editor especially)
- Creating maximum publicity for the Research Wiki - if the Wikipedia mailing list devotes say half of its bandwidth to lying about Consumerium (presently it is only about 10%), then, the wiser people who read that vile mailing list only to identify and attack Wikipedia will come over here, and the most experienced trolls will become participants in this project!
- Once and for all getting the truth about Wikimedia and its lies exposed; dissecting an enemy project in full view of everyone who has criticized it or supported it - which is just what we will do to McDonald's or Coca-Cola or Exxon or Monsanto, and which we must be ready to do without hesitation even to "friends".