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Countries of the world: Difference between revisions

→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + some Tutorials and comparisons of billing services for individuals (in Finnish)
(→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + Talenom.fi kevytyrittäjä by Talenom Oyj or one of the many companies in the group. Talenom Oyj was registered in Oulu in June 2013)
(→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + some Tutorials and comparisons of billing services for individuals (in Finnish))
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* [https://www.ukko.fi/ '''Ukko.fi'''] - "''Suomen suosituin''". [https://www.ukko.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Kevytyritt%C3%A4jyysopas-2019.pdf UKKO.fi 2019 Kevytyrittäjyysopas].  [[w:fi:UKKO.fi|Finnish Wikipedia on UKKO.fi]]
* [https://www.ukko.fi/ '''Ukko.fi'''] - "''Suomen suosituin''". [https://www.ukko.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Kevytyritt%C3%A4jyysopas-2019.pdf UKKO.fi 2019 Kevytyrittäjyysopas].  [[w:fi:UKKO.fi|Finnish Wikipedia on UKKO.fi]]
* [https://www.uuras.fi/ '''Uuras.fi''' kevytyrittäjäpalvelu] by Suomen GTM Osuuskunta<ref>https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2757847&tarkiste=5AAEF67241E2F85BE25530AFCF34FCC2048CB0D9</ref>. Suomen GTM Osuuskunta was founded in Helsinki in July '''2018'''. Auxiliary business name ''Kevytyrittäjäpalvelu Uuras'' registered in October '''2020'''.
* [https://www.uuras.fi/ '''Uuras.fi''' kevytyrittäjäpalvelu] by Suomen GTM Osuuskunta<ref>https://tietopalvelu.ytj.fi/yritystiedot.aspx?yavain=2757847&tarkiste=5AAEF67241E2F85BE25530AFCF34FCC2048CB0D9</ref>. Suomen GTM Osuuskunta was founded in Helsinki in July '''2018'''. Auxiliary business name ''Kevytyrittäjäpalvelu Uuras'' registered in October '''2020'''.
'''Tutorials and comparisons of billing services for individuals'''
* https://yrityksen-perustaminen.net/kevytyrittajyys/
* https://www.rahakone.fi/paras-laskutuspalvelu/
* https://omapaja.fi/blogi/laskutuspalvelut-vertailussa/

=== Wikipedia articles about things in Finland ===
=== Wikipedia articles about things in Finland ===


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