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MediaWiki modifications: Difference between revisions

#REDIRECT MediaWiki extensions we no longer have to modify the core software, just write extensions to it
(classify modification as urgent and less urgent add prohibiting linking from other then valid voting pages to the vote counting page)
(#REDIRECT MediaWiki extensions we no longer have to modify the core software, just write extensions to it)
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===Highest priority===
#REDIRECT [[MediaWiki extensions]]
#Prohibit linking to [[Vote]]-pages from anywhere else then MyVotes or OurVotes pages
#Introduction of <nowiki>{{numberofincominglinks:SomeNameSpace:SomePage}}</nowiki> This can be done with just one SQL query
===Lower priority===
#[[GetWiki]]-like "leech" feature - mirror whole [[GFDL corpus]] dynamically
#XML-import for feeds from other [[GFDL]] sources
#Automatic coding for different user types: <font color="red">red==unintroduced</font>, <font color="green">green==Verified User</font> and <font color="blue">blue==Normal User</font>
#[[automatic stub generation]]
===See also:===
*[[Research Wiki]]
*[[Publish Wiki]]
*[[Verified User]]


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