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The Publish:namespace is governed by Publish:policy. It is one of seven namespaces used at Consumerium itself.

The Consumerium buying signal and articles collated according to consumer preferences are generated only from this namespace, which appears to the public as plain static served HTML pages with names, publish date and expiry date.

The final versions of pages may' be edited in a very restricted Publish Wiki which will be used only by Consumerium Governance Organization to limit liability. This wiki would not be visible to the public, all intermediate page editing will be in the Research:namespace. Consumerium Process requires that article synchronization take place only in one direction:

Articles in Publish:namespace flow from stabilized and normalized, syntax checked versions of Research Wiki where trolling is allowed even encouraged.

Campaigns and Votes will accept input from web forms, and maybe comments, but even they are white-listed (a mediawiki feature), wherein only logged in users will be able to edit pages. Thus no voting or campaigning rights for trolls here. If you want to make campaigns editable to trolls then they should originate in Research:namespace. If you do not want campaigns edited by unauthorized people/trolls then definitely initiate and retain the campaign here. Also troll initiated campaigns may be adopted and even forked from here. All of this permits the trolls to start things and keep them in sight, but does not permit them to force CGO to authorize their work.

As opposed to the anarchy of Research Wiki here will user's have different levels trust. eg. User vs. Verified User. Groups and VirtualGroups as described in Opinion Wiki may be implemented here, mostly likely as factions and tendency.

See also[edit | edit source]

Publish Wiki resembles Content Wiki which was an ad-hoc development purpose name

Publish Wiki will implement The Consumerium Exchange functionality as far as this can be done "wiki-way". Specialized software will have to be developed and plugged into the wiki to enable indices and other aggregate information to be displayed in the consumerium buying signal

Publish Wiki will take on the role of Opinion Wiki, which was an ad-hoc development purpose name for discovering how Campaign management and voting could be done in a WikiWikiWeb

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