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International trade

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International trade is one feature of globalization.

International trade has it's good and bad sides. The opinion about what is good and what is bad about it vary strongly in the political spectrum with some factions having almost symmetrically opposed views.

Also pro-globalization people may be very strong advocates of w:protectionism when it comes to product groups that are seen as traditionally nationally important.

Many ecologists object to international trade on grounds that transportation of products over long distances is not ecologically sane. Though the mode of transport plays an important role in determining the environmental cost of transporting over long distances. For example sea transport doesn't consume much resources (ie. it is very eco-efficient) and air transport on the other hand releases greenhouse gases straight to the atmosphere where there is no vegetation to tie up the carbon dioxide released and also consumes a lot of fuel.

There is also the opposition based on distress caused to the local economical situation due to the fact that Multinational corporations can move their production and capital around the globe quite quickly and use this possibility to negotiate or extort tax exemptions in countries that fear the loss of employment

For the consumer international trade provides more choice and reduced prices from increased competition.

International trade is not simple, but we must work to inform the consumer of the various issues in imported goods.

See w:Trade Bloc and w:Free Trade Zones for information on anomalities related to international trade

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