Consumerium Challenges
Consumerium Challenges are very hard problems where we might have to really do better than anyone else in the world, just to do the job right:
- meeting performance requirements that avoid all the worst cases and enable the average overly hurried female shopper with two kids in tow trying to put stuff into the cart without her seeing
- implementing accounting standards that make sense and extending them to all styles of capital and all comprehensive outcomes in the service economy
- dealing with types of countries and commodity export relationships, these being very hard to track once in final distributed brand name products
- creating Transparent Consumerium and Distributed Consumerium
- wiki management concerns with a three-wiki cascading structure
- dealing with funded trolls who are really doing brand management, that is, trying to make mediocre products into green lights, and red lights into yellow, and so on
- legal problems due to costing a lot of bad people a lot of business