User talk:Venceremos

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Revision as of 06:34, 30 March 2004 by (talk) (what trolls think is important)
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The trolls faction welcomes you! Please be sure to read 142.177.X.X/Anti_Wikipedia_Rants and enemy projects! You'll enjoy them for sure. But other than learning from others' mistakes we don't care about the "Wikipedians", we're here to do real work, including:

figure out all ways to deliver the Consumerium buying signal which is spit out of the Publish Wiki where final edit happens before print or display.
create Consumerium:intermediate pages for the Research Wiki that eventually get sucked into the whole system, and get turned into the signal after that final edit
figure out how to document individual buying criteria and institutional buying criteria and how factions influence both of those, maybe how scores and price premiums develop
figure out how to get feedback
document the whole darn service economy to figure out comprehensive outcomes of transactions - very hard!
rendezvous with essential projects that share our core values of moral responsibility for what you buy (political consumerism)