You can find some preliminary GPL'd DTDs at XML/DTD.
Useful grammars in building Consumerium:
- XML Based Signing http://www.w3.org/Signature/
- XML Based Encryption http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2001/
- XML Key Management http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/ (Working Group)
- XACML (eXtendable Access Control Mark-up Language) from http://www.oasis-open.org/
- GML (Geography Markup Language) from http://opengis.net/gml/01-029/GML2.html
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Grammars that should be made interoperable by XSLT transformations in CIUML
- Market Data Definition Language (MDDL) is used to describe financial market phenomena. It uses the following standards in it's markup ISO 639 - Language Codes (2 char), ISO 3166 - Country Codes, ISO 4217 - Currency Codes (3 char,) ISO 6166 - ISIN, ISO 10383 - MIC and ISO 10962 - CFI
- EAN.UCC Global Data Dictionary is an attemt to standardise XML business messages.
XML data sources
- GEPIR @ http://www.gepir.org (Gateway to searching EAN, SSCC, GLN)