Talk:Worn device

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    Revision as of 20:54, 27 August 2005 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (approach with no need for worn device, Post check-out Consumerium, using a swipeable card to give address information for delivering the digital receipt via internet)
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    I wouldn't base so much emphasis on worn devices. Ok, if we can arrange for information to be delivered to a worn device, that's great, but maybe leveraging on existing devices (ie. PC at home) and infrastructure (ie. Internet for delivery) we will be getting to implementation a lot faster then with the "techno-gizmo of tomorrow"-approach.

    Take for example the fact that many cards are swiped at the check-out cashier and the implementation effort (and cost) would be minimal if those cards conveyed an email address (or other drop-box distribution method) where the digital receipt of the purchases would be delivered to, naturally containing the GTIN codes of the products purchased.

    This would be a form of Post check-out Consumerium that requires no additional hardware for the consumer, a simplification compared to Check-out Consumerium in which NFC (or Bluetooth) would be used to transmit the digital receipt to the consumers worn device, most likely a cell phone or PDA