The trolls faction welcomes you! Please be sure to read 142.177.X.X/Anti_Wikipedia_Rants and enemy projects! You'll enjoy them for sure. But other than learning from others' mistakes we don't care about the "Wikipedians", we're here to do real work, including:
- figure out all ways to deliver the Consumerium buying signal which is spit out of the Publish Wiki where final edit for legal and brevity happens before print or display.
- create Consumerium:intermediate pages for the Research Wiki that eventually get sucked into the whole system, and get turned into the signal after that final edit; these contain actual data on company and country and industry and commodity;
- figure out how to document individual buying criteria and institutional buying criteria and how factions influence both of those, maybe how scores and price premiums develop; this will take more outreach
- figure out how to get feedback, a tough design problem
- document the whole darn service economy to figure out comprehensive outcomes of transactions - very hard, all styles of capital must be considered.
- rendezvous with essential projects that share our core values of moral responsibility for what you buy (political consumerism)