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Simple model for expressing opinions

From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 21:30, 27 September 2006 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (WIKIFY!)

Basic article naming

basic article name structure is as follows:

/Company name/Brand name/Product name/


/Country name/

at any level short messages can be appended especially in

  • /Company name/feedback/message - these will be delivered to the company in question
  • /Company name/Product name/reviews/message - these will be shown to other consumers and wikifiers
  • /Company name/campaigns/message - these will be shown to other consumers and wikifiers
  • /Company name/Workplace Upgrade Request/message

Only special namespace will be [[Consumerium:]] this accomondates for future adjustments

Language selection

Inserting a ISO two letter language code changes the language of all it's subarticles. This will make it simple to move languages to their own wiki when it's time.

example: Inserting a FI changes the language for subarticles to Finnish /Company name/FI/Brändin nimi/Tuotteen nimi/arvostelu/viesti


Use of categories

Categories are used for tagging such as {{Transnational corporation}} or {{Local business}}

Use of voting

No voting system for some time after a pilot is launched.

Later on voting by Indirect Votes and Direct Votes and various other methods of votee and vote counting

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