Consumerium plans as of 2013: Difference between revisions

+ Wikidata ( an effort to build a system for wiki-editable structured data storage and the structured data includability in-wiki across a wide array of wikis )
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[[Technology]] especially FOSS ( Free and Open Source Software ) has a key role in making the Consumium [[goals]] possible. A lot has changed since 2002/2003, the [[means]] are here at reach to make Consumium work in the real world. [[#What kind of information Consumerium / Consumium plans to offer consumers on businesses?|lot of the information]] described in the [[Goals and means of the Consumerium project]] is available from [[DBpedia]] [[w:ontology]] and [[w:dataset]]s ( from [[categories]] and from [[infoboxen]] ).
[[Technology]] especially FOSS ( Free and Open Source Software ) has a key role in making the Consumium [[goals]] possible. A lot has changed since 2002/2003, the [[means]] are here at reach to make Consumium work in the real world. [[#What kind of information Consumerium / Consumium plans to offer consumers on businesses?|lot of the information]] described in the [[Goals and means of the Consumerium project]] is available from [[DBpedia]] [[w:ontology]] and [[w:dataset]]s ( from [[categories]] and from [[infoboxen]] ) and also from [[Wikidata]][ (.org)] which was initiated in 2012. will have it's own and we sync from multiple sources ( both [[DBpedia]] and [[Wikidata]] )

[[MediaWiki]], it's extra [[namespaces]], [[templates]], [[categories]], [[MediaWiki/extensions|extensions]], [[MediaWiki/widgets|widgets]] and [[MediaWiki/bots|bots]] ( all running on Debian GNU/Linux LAMP-servers-from-cloud ) need to be finetuned to work together.
[[MediaWiki]], it's extra [[namespaces]], [[templates]], [[categories]], [[MediaWiki/extensions|extensions]], [[MediaWiki/widgets|widgets]] and [[MediaWiki/bots|bots]] ( all running on Debian GNU/Linux LAMP-servers-from-cloud ) need to be finetuned to work together.