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Talk:Experience Economy

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This seems to be a really important concept.

Also, it's one of those where the Wikipedia treatment may not be deep enough for our purposes, so this article may expand a lot. Wikipedia has a generally wrong and stupid way of deciding what matters and what doesn't (they have for instance 5000 articles on Ayn Rand's fictional characters and NONE on things like w:moral reasoning and w:labour economics that might challenge Ayn Rand's ideology). They badly need m:regime change over there. So we can't always rely on what their articles will say. They are VERY badly biased and do not admit this - mostly because of who has power on their "mailing list" and etc. Wiser users like w:User:Netesq and w:User:Mirwin and w:User:Cunctator have already said all there is to say about this, and so there is no point repeating it.

Other articles that are going to require more detailed treatment here because they are critical to moral purchasing include: comprehensive outcomes, ecological yield (the difference between sustainable and unsustainable use of an ecosystem), service economy itself (wrongly defined in w:service economy and consistently vandalized by right-wing economics advocates), and the way state services are dealt with - how types of countries might have to be distinguished. Good material on this appears at Wikipedia and is very quickly censored by the cabal (TINC), and this will continue until m:regime change. So we might want to start to advocate this regime change, if we are going to rely on Wikipedia material.

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