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User:Jukeboksi/Quotes: Difference between revisions

Tori Amos on what to do
(+ quote on "Who pays for UBI?")
(Tori Amos on what to do)
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{{Q|You and a few handfuls of extremely idealistic 1337 coders|Apteekkari|capitalis question "Who pays UBI?"}}
{{Q|You and a few handfuls of extremely idealistic 1337 coders|Apteekkari|capitalis question "Who pays UBI?"}}
{{Q|Cut it again.|Tori Amos|what to do}}

Quotes from [http://wiki.study/regarding/User:Jukeboksi/quotes My wiki.study quotes page]
Quotes from [http://wiki.study/regarding/User:Jukeboksi/quotes My wiki.study quotes page]


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