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9,951 bytes added ,  13 August 2023
→‎Thank yous for tech: removed Ubuntu Studio, culturally horrible experience
(added feedback to the short expl.)
(→‎Thank yous for tech: removed Ubuntu Studio, culturally horrible experience)
(444 intermediate revisions by 73 users not shown)
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==Welcome to Consumerium.org R&D Wiki==

[[Consumerium]] is a project, developed under [[GFDL]] [[licences|licence]], to develop [[w:free software|free software]] and [[Hardware Requirements|infrastructure]] for storage, transport and display of [[Features|product information]] to [[consumer]]s and [[feedback]] to the producers to enhance the consumer experience and to keep this planet hospitable in the future for everyone.

'''For an introduction to the project we suggest you read the [[Motivation|motivation rant]] and browse the planned [[features]].'''
<big>'''''Consumerium''''' - ''Enhancing Consumer Informedness'' since 2002 - '''''Kuluttajisto''''' - ''Kuluttajien voimaannuttamista'' jo vuodesta 2002 </big>
Please contribute: [[Research]] - [[Wikipedia|List interesting Wikipedia articles]] - [[Consumerium:FAQ|Ask questions in the Consumerium FAQ]] - [[XML|Design XML]].
= Consumerium itself =
[[File:Copyleft.svg|thumb|left|120px|[[w:Copyleft|w:Copyleft]], totally a thing to do with all said to the right of this graphic. In Finnish it is [[w:fi:käyttäjänoikeus|w:fi:käyttäjänoikeus]] which translates to "user's right"]]
[[Consumerium:Itself|Consumerium itself]] is a not-for-profit effort to enable '''display''' of '''[[Features|product information]]''' to '''[[consumer]]s''' and '''[[feedback]]''' to '''producers''' and their '''owners''' in '''all [[countries of the world]]''' to enhance the consumer experience and to keep this planet as hospitable as possible. To this end Consumerium is compiling information on the '''[[countries of the world]]''', '''[[technologies]]''', [[Consumerium list of lists#Consumerium lists of consumer convenience services|convenience services for the consumer]] and [[Consumerium list of lists|more]].
Our intent is to provide '''[[Knowledge graphs|a knowledge graph]]'''  and '''[[services]]''' for which we need [[infrastructure]] built with '''[[technologies]]'''.
<big>'''The [[Consumerium development wiki turns 20]]'''</big> on Friday 2023-02-24 Fri Feb 24 2023 00:52:00 GMT +0000.
[[Consumerium:Welcome, newcomers|Welcome, newcomers]] to our set of <font color="blue"> {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}</font> [[Consumerium]] Effort [[development wiki]] [[Special:Allpages|articles]] crafted in the spirit of [[Consumerium:We|our]] [[Consumerium:philosophy|philosophy]] where [[fairtrade]], [[Human rights and business|human rights in business]], [[political consumerism]], [[copyleft]], [[free software]], [[moral purchasing]], [[w:consumer activism|w:consumer activism]] and [[w:Activist shareholder|w:shareholder activism]] are close to the core.
We are collaborating under the [[GFDL]] [[licenses|license]], to design a [[healthy buying infrastructure]].  We are identifying [[hardware requirements]] for [[wiki|storage]], transport and display of varying levels of '''[[features|product information]] to [[consumer]]s''' and '''[[feedback]] to [[producer]]s''' at the [[point of purchase]] to enhance the consumer experience, advance product development and to keep this planet as hospitable as possible.
Today is {{CURRENTDAYNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} and it is week #{{CURRENTWEEK}}.  The wiki has {{NUMBEROFPAGES}} [[Special:AllPages|pages]] out of which {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} are articles with {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} edits. There are {{NUMBEROFFILES}} [[Special:ListFiles|uploaded files]].
There are {{NUMBEROFUSERS}} registered users out of which {{NUMBEROFADMINS}} users are admin. Today the wiki is running on [[mw:MediaWiki]] {{CURRENTVERSION}}.
<big>[https://consumerium.org/ Consumerium.org domain root landing page Wordpress]</big> explains the core of Consumerium with links to this wiki and [https://kuluttajisto.consumerium.org/ Kuluttajisto.consumerium.org]</big> the same thing in Finnish<ref group="footnote">The translation from Consumerium to Kuluttajisto was done by a bloke, whose name I cannot recall, on the [[w:Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' Action|ATTAC]] Finland bus trip to the [[w:European Social Forum#Second ESF|Second European Social Forum]] 2003 in Paris by the time we had reached [[w:Töölö]]</ref>
[[Image:Trollboele.jpg|thumb|right|280px|Welcom to Trollböle, west bank of the [[Former Aral Sea Shores]]. No, seriously, keeping all production servers in [[w:Finland|w:Finland]] to make [[w:jurisdiction|w:jurisdiction]] certain. [[w:law of Finland|w:The laws of Finland]] are quite rational. Read for yourself, if you don't believe: most of it is in translations [https://finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/ here].]]
== Consumerium's lists of constructive services ==
[[File:Consumerium.org-A6-cards-winter-clear.png|thumb|right|682px|The new bilingual (English && Finnish) A6 cards for Consumerium.org arrived in July 2020.]]
<section begin=Consumerium.org lists />
:[[Lists of shared and alternative transport and traveler routers]]
:[[Lists of review aggregators and review sites]]
:[[Lists of price comparison services]]
:[[Lists of alternative financial services]]
:[[List of free education]]
:[[Countries of the world]]</big> is where the local information relevant to Consumerium goals is gathered
: and <big>[[Consumerium list of lists|much more in the Consumerium list of lists]]
<section end=Consumerium.org lists />
== Some key articles ==
'''[[Timeline of Consumerium]]''' is work eternally in progress. Currently it is year '''[[Timeline of Consumerium#2021|2021]]'''.
'''[[How Consumerium differs from Wikipedia in a nutshell]]''' - a timeless classic from 2004
[[Features|Planned Features to The Consumer]] - [[Consumerium Services|Consumerium Services ( messy )]] - [[Consumer Agent|Planned Consumer Agent app]]
<big>'''[[Consumerium:Executive summary|The Executive Summary page]]'''</big> is a 5 minute read to Consumerium.
<big>'''[[Human rights and business]]'''</big>
Use [[w:Wikipedia]] to link to http://www.wikipedia.org/Wikipedia . Avoid unnecessary replicating, we're in the [[GFDL]] part of the world after all :)
Jump points:

[[Consumerium:FAQ|FAQ]] - [[Rules]] - [[Guidelines]] - [[Special:Newpages|new articles]] - [[Interesting companies]] - [[Interesting projects]] - [[Timeline of Consumerium]] - [[Goals]] - [[Stages]] - [[Motivation]] - [[Tips for editing]] - [[Slogans]] - [[Hardware Requirements]]
== Quotes ==
{{Q|'''Ethical consumerism''' is a type of consumer activism that is based on the concept of [[w:dollar voting|w:dollar voting]].  It is practiced through 'positive buying' in that ethical products are favoured, or 'moral [[boycott]]', that is negative purchasing and company-based purchasing.|Wikipedia|[[w:Ethical consumerism|w:Ethical consumerism]]}}
{{Q|'''Consumism'''.|[[User:Jukeboksi]]|how neo can into logism ([[User:Jukeboksi/Quotes|more]])}}
== Visit also these sites ==
=== For decision makers ===
<big>[https://www.traffikanalysis.org/ '''TraffikAnalysis'''.org]</big> anti-trafficking data hub by [https://www.stopthetraffik.org/ StopTheTraffik.org] and IBM
<big>[https://www.frdm.co/ '''FRDM.co''']</big> offers for-a-fee services that find and fix risks in supply chains
=== Be a conscientious consumer ===
<big>[https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ '''OpenFoodFacts'''.org]</big> [[Open Food Facts|OFF]] is a non-political effort to crowdsource and copyleft information on food.
<big>[https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/ '''EthicalConsumer'''.org]</big> ( UK ) and their [https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/researchhub/globaldirectory.aspx Global directory to ethical consumption]
<big>[https://www.greenamerica.org/responsible-shopper '''ResponsibleShopper''' at greenamerica.org]</big> ( USA )
<big>[https://www.thegoodshoppingguide.com/ '''TheGoodShoppingGuide'''.com]</big> ( UK )
<big>[https://buycott.com/ '''Buycott'''.com]</big> a mobile and web app with same goals as Consumerium: consumer empowerment.
=== Share your consumer experiences ===
<big>[https://alternativeto.net/software/trustpilot/ '''Alternatives to''' TrustPilot]</big> or <big> [https://www.trustpilot.com/ '''TrustPilot'''.com]</big>
=== Be a part of the activist momentum ===
<big>[https://corporatewatch.org/ '''CorporateWatch'''.org]</big>
<big>[http://SumOfUs.org '''SumOfUs'''.org]</big> ( World-wide activist effort )
<big>[https://www.utopia.de/ '''Utopia.de''']</big> ( Deutsch )
=== Be smart about computer issues ===
<big>[https://alternativeto.net/ '''AlternativeTo'''.net]</big> crowdsourced software and website recommendations
<big>[https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/ '''The Green Web Foundation''' (.org)]</big> Green hosting selection site and browser add-on
<big>[https://builtwith.com/ '''BuiltWith'''.com]</big> see what websites are made with (few free samples without free account, some more with a free account and paid accounts up-to-unlimited searches)
<big>The '''[[SAFE Network]]''' [https://safenetwork.tech/ (.tech)]</big> get clued into the next distributed Internet
<big>[https://www.fsf.org/givingguide/v6/ '''Free Software Foundation''''s giving guide v6]</big>
=== Do philantropy ===
<big>[https://thehungersite.greatergood.com/ The Hunger Site]</big> - Donate food to the hungry by clicking once a day
Donate your spare computing resources to advance science and <big>[https://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/viewTeamInfo.do?teamId=ZH0F0ZTTB2 Join Team Consumerium.org on World Community Grid by following this link]</big>.
== Get in touch ==
[[Social media#Twitter|Twitter]]: [https://twitter.com/ConsumeriumORG @ConsumeriumORG] and [https://twitter.com/kuluttajisto @Kuluttajisto in Finnish]
[[Social media#Facebook|Facebook]]: [https://www.facebook.com/ConsumeriumORG/ @ConsumeriumORG] and [https://www.facebook.com/kuluttajisto/ @Kuluttajisto in Finnish]
[[Diaspora]]* free social media network: [https://d.consumium.org/u/consumerium consumerium@d.consumium.org]
[[w:IRC|w:IRC]]: #Consumerium on [[w:Libera Chat]] network.
[[w:Signal (software)]], [[w:WhatsApp|w:WhatsApp]] or [[w:SMS|w:SMS]] to dedicated Consumerium hotline: +3584579416268 (no phone calls possible on sim)
Talk page: Write directly to the [[Lowest Troll|lowest troll and/or sysop(presseur)'s]] [[User_talk:Jukeboksi|user talk page]]
Email from wiki: [[Special:EmailUser/Jukeboksi|e-mail Jukeboksi via the send email function]] of this MediaWiki (only for logged-in users) or call / sms at the number given [[User:Jukeboksi|here]]
== Thank yous for tech ==
<section begin=thank-yous-for-tech />
File:Heckert GNU.png|[[w:GNU|w:GNU's Not Unix]]..
File:Tux.png|.. but it has always helped [[w:Linux|w:Linux]] to be.
File:MediaWiki-2020-logo.svg|Relying on [[MediaWiki]] to work towards the Consumerium goals since 2003.
File:Debian-OpenLogo.svg|Consumerium has been relying on copyleft [[w:Debian|w:Debian]] GNU/Linux Stable-branch servers since [https://wiki.debian.org/DebianSqueeze Debian Squeeze]. Debian is also Juho's choice for everyday OS.
Apache Feather Logo.svg|[[w:Apache HTTP Server|w:Apache HTTP Server]] has served Consumerium well for over 15 yrs. Consumium free social runs [[w:Nginx|w:Nginx]] a very nice copyleft web server.
File:Mariadb-seal-flat-browntext.png|Choice of RDBMS is [[w:MariaDB|w:MariaDB]], a fork back by the original people behind MySQL.
File:Matomo Logo.svg|[[Matomo]] - '''[https://matomo.org/ Matomo.org]''' is a [[w:free software|free]] and [[w:Open-source software|open source]] [[w:web analytics]] application originating from [[w:New Zealand]]
<section end=thank-yous-for-tech />
[[File:Consumerium-org-is-hosted-in-green-at-hetzner-com.png|thumb|center|Consumerium.org is hosted at [https://www.hetzner.com/ Hetzner Online AG]'s Helsinki data center which uses electricity only from renewable sources. ([https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/green-web-check/?url=develop.consumerium.org Verify])]]
For editing practice, try playing in the [[Consumerium:Sandbox|Sandbox]].
== Footnotes ==
<references group="footnote" />
<sub>Thanks to http://pingviini.net for hosting us. Thanks to http://wikipedia.sourceforge.net for this great Wiki software</sub>
Use <nowiki>[[</nowiki>[[w:Fairtrade]]<nowiki>]]</nowiki> to link to Wikipedia's article on fairtrade and <nowiki>[[</nowiki>[[w:fr:Commerce équitable]]<nowiki>]]</nowiki> to link to the article in the French Wikipedia as simple as that. ( works for all languages, just insert [[w:List of ISO 639-1 codes|w:the correct lang code]] ). Avoid unnecessary replicating, we're in the [[GFDL]] part of the world after all :)


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