Six principles
Six principles that were originally codified by w:Greens, and which would presumably be conditions of use of products under a Green Documentation License, Green Software License or Green Patent License.
Phrasing of the six principles has evolved in recent years. The most recent statement is:
- ecological health - the most basic meaning of green lighting purchases - basic ISO 14000 and safe trade concerns? No Old Growth etc?
- social justice - more overt fair trade concerns, not shared by all, No Prison Labour, No Child Labour, No Sweat etc.
- participatory democracy - issues with workplace democracy and respect for stakeholders
- harms reduction - participation in community and global remediation of natural capital and social capital
- seven generation sustainability - full ISO 14000 implementation? Natural Step?
- respect for diversity especially biodiversity - marking per ecoregion, village of origin?
Furthermore, the above could be put in some green order to reflect the rational order of concerns for any dispute resolution. For instance, without ecological health and social justice, there is no real time for participatory democracy, and even less consideration of the other concerns.
There might be various levels of green light, indicating higher degrees of compatiblity with these values.