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Faction tag

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A faction tag is a prefix on a page that identifies clearly what factions approve of it in its present state or not. It's probably key to getting inter-faction consensus and minimizing use of factionally defined terms in analysis.

A proposition of how this would work from OurAnswer:

A faction tag is a prefix to a page that says something like:

This page approved by OurAnswer:Greens. No other faction has commented.

The purpose of this tag is to make clear to any new troll that at least one non-troll faction must approve before something is guaranteed to stay in the same name space with non-troll work. It also tells other factions that if they do not comment, then the decisions are likely to be made by the only/few factions that care. If, for instance, the "Reds" check out the page and make no edits, they can then change the faction tag to:

This page approved by OurAnswer:Greens and OurAnswer:Reds. No other faction has commented.

But if they did any substantial edit' they must instead change it to:

This page approved by OurAnswer:Reds. OurAnswer:Greens approved an earlier version. No other faction has commented or edited this page.

The tag must be kept short, simple, standard, and include links to the earlier version or relevant comment. For instance if the OurAnswer:Blues say "this page should not exist", that must be also referred somewhere in tags.

For pages factions will always differ on, such as theories of economics, the faction tag might help move alone agreement on a few central definitions like the glossary. For policy, it is important to know who has agreed so the Consumerium Governance Organization isn't "taking sides" in disputes, and moves only on those things that have a broad base of multi-faction support.

For some things, though, multiple point of view is the only solution. This includes irreconcilable factional terms that only those factions really use and which prejudice discourse, and also situations where they don't agree on facts.


So far only one MediaWiki-based service has debated this issue at all, see http://ouranswer.org/ discourse on factions.

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