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Countries of the world: Difference between revisions

→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + uusityo.fi is the industry trade association of the billing services providers...
(→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + Truster.fi by Truster Works Oy, founded in Espoo in June 2020.[13] Truster Works light entrepreneurship Android app and Truster Works kevytyrittäj‪ä iOS app)
(→‎Billing services in Finland (for individuals): + uusityo.fi is the industry trade association of the billing services providers...)
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* https://www.rahakone.fi/paras-laskutuspalvelu/
* https://www.rahakone.fi/paras-laskutuspalvelu/
* https://omapaja.fi/blogi/laskutuspalvelut-vertailussa/ (obs: this is one of the contenders)
* https://omapaja.fi/blogi/laskutuspalvelut-vertailussa/ (obs: this is one of the contenders)
* https://uusityo.fi/ is the industry trade association of the billing services providers that claims that its members comprise 95% of the revenua in the industry

=== Wikipedia articles about things in Finland ===
=== Wikipedia articles about things in Finland ===


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