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  • Research - Ongoing research works in Wikipedia, Meta-Wikipedia etc.
  • Wikipedia - Intersting fairly completed articles in Wikipedia

Info on companies and products in the internet now

If you want to find out about products and companies NOW (not in X years ;) please go try these. Consumerium makes no guarantees about the validity of information offered at the sites. These links are here to save you from hours of search-and-miss-annoyance:


  • The Ethical Consumer - The UK's only alternative consumer organisation looking at the social and environmental records of the companies behind the brand names.
  • Responsible Shopper A project run by Co-op America that has very convergent goal with us and they actually have a Searchable DB online with 350 big companies investigated.
  • TransNationale - Consumer guides to Multinationals and shopping. Over 21.000 brands and over 10.000 companies covered.
  • Badcorp - they have very interesting search engine for figuring out who owns who!
  • Theyrule - Topic map style visual presentations of interrelations of big Companies, Board Members and Executives in the US mostly. User editable and static mapping so they have an advisory about propably being out-of-date.
  • Worldwatch Institute Online Feature: Consumption - The online accompaniement to the State of The World 2004 book with new features each month


  • Lists of companies in wikipedia
  • Disinfopedia - A collaborative effort to investigate public relations operations and operatives by The Center for Media and Democracy
  • [1] - A list (under development) of small and local retailers, organized by geographic region.
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