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From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
Revision as of 14:31, 10 May 2012 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (fixing order)


Extensions currently installed on this development wiki. Also applicable to the implementation wiki.

Listing extensions that could be useful for the implementation wiki



ArticleFeedback - ( stars of maximum stars ) for reviews

ArticleFeedbackv5 - could be used to collect feedback to a company

  • http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AutoLanguage - Displays a page in the language specified in a user preference. Looks very old and maybe not up-to-date but the source should be interesting reading for anyone looking to implement many languages in one wiki.


BADI Pages Created Links ( automatically color outgoing links with colors for "exists" and "doesn't exist

Back Links Functions ( constructing the voting machinery probably can use at least functions from this


They on BrokenLinks:

Special Page which checks all links in table _externallinks and reports on those that return an HTTP response 4xx or 5xx

Us on BrokenLinks:

Obviously very useful for housekeeping the links to businesses.


Common Locale Data Repository

Useable to fetch proper localized string for countries, areas, languages and currencies

Call - ablility to pass variables to pages

CategoryCloud and CategoryTagCloud - 2 competing w:tag cloud implementations )

CategoryIndex - Using keys ( external to articles ) to make category associations

They on CategoryIndex:

This extensions allows you to create categories of pages where the page is added with key value, which can be displayed on the lists of parties or categories used to select subset of pages from category.

Us on CategoryIndex:

Perhaps this could be utilized to enter datas for many pages in single pages and also propagated to all languages

CategoryIntersection - where are the other set operations ?


They on Extension:CategoryOnUpload:

Dropdown menu when uploading images to add the image to a category

Us on Extension:CategoryOnUpload:

Makes it easier and faster to categorize a file you are uploading to the file upload wiki.

Create_Page (parser function, user interface )


They on Create_Page:


Us on Create_Page:

Trivial. Adds a textbox where you can enter the name of the new article. Maybe if chained with #NewArticleTemplates it might provide some ease of use to the end-consumer



They on NewArticleTemplates:


Us on NewArticleTemplates:

Obviously does what it says. Enables per-namespace pre-loadable ( into the edit box ) texts for new articles i.e. we can have a skeleton for creating a new product, brand, company, area, country and NGO etc. no need to copy-paste. Whether the template given for an article can be given if not all things are split into separate namespaces is possible is not know.

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