
< User:Jukeboksi‎ | Blog
Revision as of 21:32, 24 January 2018 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (Purchased new VPS)


  • I'm looking into purchasing a new VPS from the same hosting guys more advanced platform based on w:OpenStack. Jukeboksi (talk) 17:21, 21 January 2018 (EET)
Update: Purchased the VPS and will migrate this Consumerium Development wiki there in the coming few days. Jukeboksi (talk) 23:32, 24 January 2018 (EET)
  • Wikibase enables a wiki to act as a structured data system like Wikidata does for the Wikimedia wikis. I am looking into what is the best arrangement to install this, a dedicated wiki or as part of the English language implementation wiki. Jukeboksi (talk) 17:05, 21 January 2018 (EET)
  • Installed The ConfirmAccount extension to stop the bots that are able to pass the NoCAPTCHA from registering accounts en masse. In practice this means that account creation is moderated. This is unfortunate but seemed necessary at least for a while. Jukeboksi (talk) 15:00, 13 January 2018 (EET)
  • Made, verified and distributed backups of both production machines. Jukeboksi (talk) 17:01, 3 January 2018 (EET)