
Revision as of 20:37, 3 July 2004 by (talk) (bah - trolls will destroy your HiveMind, you sysops, we prefer our world tree)

This is the ting of the trolls. If you speak here the trolls will hear you.

The sequence ot this page is reverse to the common habbit in wiki. Write new text right under the bar please:

Speak up to the trolls

Trolls don't remember agreeing to actually respond to hearsay, rumours, nonsense here. But we will anyway just to be arbitrary (being trolls). Don't expect us to be polite, we are still trolls.

Only sysops "can support, strenghten and become part of a healthy and peacefull global HiveMind." Trolls prefer the present squabbling nasty biodiversity of the world tree with all its conflict and delights. We will gnaw on this "HiveMind" or "virtual community" until it bleeds to death. We will not join it. Let the sysops kill themselves trying to find and then enforce God's Eye View. Feh. Trolls know this view is not available to mere living creatures. Trolls seek only to make these no body entities less destructive to what is alive. Which includes, of course, we the trolls.

Heya trolls, you wrote on CW:

"Accordingly, trolls will be the actual community, and the sysops merely the cops." I agree, "somehow". It's a bit surprising actually. The "somehow" is important. It means figuring out a.) who/what a troll is, b.) who/what a sysop is. About a.) you have been thinking about that here, I haven't had the time to read that yet, but I'll try to. I just started to realize what a troll is (and it takes long for me to read as it's in english). B.) A sysop. System operator. Not too much of a good term, as mostly too wide and not precise I think. You mean people, I guess to the very majority they are syspops or admins, who haven't understood wiki. This is very generaly spoken and in no way precise. I has to be thought about how a person with administrative rights - these will be ineviteable until wiki is completely decentralized - should act to in order to provide a sourrounding that can support, strenghten and become part of a healthy and peacefull global HiveMind.

Let's take it very cool. It will work out by far the best like that. -- MattisManzel 19:00, 3 Jul 2004 (EEST)