User talk:Maksimchebrukov2018

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Revision as of 13:42, 21 December 2012 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (I am going to wave the bannhammer in urr general direction since you refuse to talk and to comply with the topmost rules.)

We need to talk. Here is my file on you. Posting product puffs and spam is prohibited in this Development wiki. Good news is that the voting plans are now ready and they form a internally coherent and arguable whole and we are pretty much set to go to the D&D phase ( deployment and development ) so if you are able to stick within English rules and to use proper article nameing you may vote and review as much as you like. We will develop our capabilities to stop bots from making edits, votes and bets, we are keeping these to somebodies only to the furthest extent of possible technological escalation. --Juxo (talk) 14:00, 17 December 2012 (EET)

It doesn't appear to be listening or has trouble understanding. --Juxo (talk) 15:58, 19 December 2012 (EET)

I am going to wave the bannhammer in urr general direction since you refuse to talk and to comply with the topmost rules. --Juxo (talk) 15:42, 21 December 2012 (EET)