ConsuML is the working draft name for starting a project on Sourceforge.

It's an abbreviation for Consumerium Markup Language.

The following information is required to register a project (I've added the approximations for what this project would use to describe itself):


The goal of ConsuML development is to produce an XML tag schema that can be used to markup information about

for use in the Consumerium-project and other applicable point of sale applications and

  • XSLT-transformations to facilitate data-interchange with other information systems or languages used to express similar or related information, such as ebXML

*Development: 1 - alpha
*Environment: XML-enabled web environment
*Intended Audience: developers
*License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
*Natural Language: English
*Operating System: Any supporting XML browsing directly or indirectly
*Programming Language: XML, XSLT
*Topic: Message Boards, Other/Nonlisted Topic
*Project UNIX name: ConsuML


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