A Consumerium developer is
- Responsible for knowing all software development concepts
- Responsible for tracking input from non-developers in non-technical forms like Consumerium User Stories, best cases and worst cases. If users begin to tell stories or make predictions or express strong feelings in some other form, it is a developer responsibility to restate them clearly as use cases.
- Responsible to update the Consumerium:Developer_FAQ
- Remit work as per the Consumerium:Developer_Agreement, of which the most important is to release design and discussion under GFDL in the Development Wiki, to support the eventual Consumerium License and cooperate under that license with the Consumerium Governance Organization in getting the healthy buying infrastructure bootstrapped.
- Committed to remaining neutral on all factionally defined terms, and to do as much as possible to accomodate faction-specific language in descriptions and the Consumerium Service access user interfaces
- Responsible to remove powers from a Consumerium:Sysop if there is any sign of factional favouritism, and to permit ordinary users who have proven unable to avoid this favouritism to be dealt with through factional debate, and to be driven off by trolls if necessary
- To neither request nor add any security feature that would cause services to cease to be troll-friendly. To recommend wiki code and other tools with this in mind, and avoid contributing to permission-based models which necessarily disadvantage the New Troll point of view.
- Reduce e-waste by applying appropriate technology wherever possible.
- what else?