
Revision as of 00:39, 21 August 2005 by Jukeboksi (talk | contribs) (update on the categories and templates stuff. it's a known bug that I've been struggling with)


Today I've been trying to get Templates and Categories to cooperate in such a way that pages could be tagged with a template that automatically lists it in a category so that we could coordinate cleaning this wiki up, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I'll work on the issue though I'm quite busy trying to get through a book on marketing that I have an exam on on monday.

The friendly folks at #mediawiki @ freenode informed me that this is a known bug and to get the Category to display those pages that have been categorized into it a category link embedded into the template need to be edited without any changes made and saved and then the category link starts to work.

But today I got evidence that sometimes studying pays off. I run across a mention of Consumer Reports while reading for the exam. An independent organisation that's been protecting and advicing consumers since 1936 is surely a notable player and thus it's web-publicationclearly belongs in Essential projects unlike some obscure crap that's populated the Essential projects-article


Allright. Today is time for a Delethon.

Yes, Yes, I know it's uninspirational to delete stuff without adding some useful material but today I've exhausted myself by cleaning two flats and moving a hell-lot of stuff from one flat to another so I'm tired.

I plan to weave some sense into this wiki soon by organising the information and putting the overtly trollist content into a realistical perspective (Now one could ask how realistical is it to say that I'm going to single-handedly detrollify the wiki :p ) --Juxo 21:39, 18 Aug 2005 (GMT)


Today I've been cleaning my flat and I took some e-waste, mostly old broken computer equipment to the communal (YTV) trash and recyclable collection centre (Sortti-asema) that now accept e-waste free of charge due to the new EU legistlation that imposes a recycling-fee on manufacturers and importers of electric and electronic equipment charged in the sale of new equipment which pays for the recycling costs. This is a great solution since before this new law there was a fee that one had to pay to get e-waste correctly scrapped and recycled, which naturally lead to people throwing e-waste into ordinary trash bins that then wound up in the landfills with all the hazardous materials (like lead in CRT tubes) polluting the environment.

I certainly hope that the processing of the e-waste they collect is in order because, like some of youl, I have seen TV-footage from a chinese town that has turned into the e-waste-land of western electronics with oxes pulling carts towering with used phones, faxes and computers of all sorts and the poor workers heating up circuit boards without any or next-to-none breathing etc. protection to collect w:copper and whatever other valuable materials can be recovered this way from the e-waste.


It's been really quiet in here, but maybe we will pick up some speed as we head to autumn.

Today I updated the MW installation to 1.4.7. This was not a security related upgrade. It contained some bug fixes.

Also I'm changing the "Project"-namespace from "Consudev:" to "Consudev:" to make way for "the implementation wiki" which in turn will use "Consudev:" as it's project (or meta) namespace