Timeline of Consumerium: Difference between revisions

phasing out old nick
2013: + New server at the excellent https://transip.eu hosting guys in Netherlands for the first Consumium free social medium, diaspora*
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== 2013 ==
== 2013 ==
To be constructed from [[User:Juboxi/Blog/2013]]  
*[[User:Juboxi/Blog/February 2013|Blog February 2013]]
''' 2013 highlights '''
*[[User:Juboxi/Blog/January 2013|Blog January 2013]]
* New server at the excellent https://transip.eu hosting guys in Netherlands for the first [[Consumium free social]] medium, [[diaspora]]*.
'''Read more''':
* [[User:Juboxi/Blog/2013]]  
* [[User:Juboxi/Blog/February 2013|Blog February 2013]]
* [[User:Juboxi/Blog/January 2013|Blog January 2013]]
and other sources.
and other sources.