User:Jukeboksi/Blog/September2004: Difference between revisions

squash the user requirements pipeline, and you'll stop hearing about real requirements; drive off the experienced editors, and you won't hear about expert requirements; and no one "asked you"
m Jukeboksi moved page User:Juboxi/Blog/September2004 to User:Jukeboksi/Blog/September2004: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Juboxi" to "Jukeboksi"
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I just figured out that I have to study for an exam that is early tomorrow morning.
Today I managed to get a nick of mine banned (per request by me) by Anthere just to get the feel and functionality there is left after a [[IP block]].
There seems to be a hot discussion of a recent china block on Wikipedia on Wikipedia-l lately,
::No doubt the government of [[China]] considers [[Wikipedia]] to be [[trolling]] it - saying things that (to the government of China) could not possibly be acceptable or valid.  The way China responds to that is no different than the way [[Wikimedia]] responds to true critique of itself, so, they deserve each other.  [[Wikipedia violates GFDL]] - sadly that obvious and provable fact is censored here by [[Wikimedia lovers]] - so there is no moral reason for China not to block it.  It's just [[Jimbo Wales]]'s friends and their personal [[systemic bias]] - nothing the government of China has any obligation to respect.  [[Trolls]] should write to the Chinese government and explain exactly how [[Wikimedia corruption]] has damaged the [[GFDL Corpus]].  Maybe China will block it for good and criticize the [[sysop power structure]] in a major press release.  That would be actually quite amusing!
not that this is a [[Consumerium]] issue, but previous time that happened it caused a [[FUCOC]] report on how it was handled.
I'm out celebrating that my big sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday at 14:30 UTC+2, so now i'm uncle two times :)
I'm doing some [[Wiktionary]] edits to train for my [[w:Swedish|Swedish]] exam tomorrrow.
I've been '''really''' tired all day for some reason so I'm not getting any real work done today. Also still my iBook is in maintenance so I don't have access to the Internet all the time, only when our school computer labs are open.
I'm planning on taking a trip to London for the [ European Social Forum 2004] on 15-17 October. If my plans materialize it'd be very nice to have a [[Consumerium]] meet-up if any other of our contributors are coming there
Finally managed to by-pass our schools firewall and now my mail is rerouted and I have access to IRC which is very useful for sanity checking proposed plans with [[MediaWiki]] gurus.
Back in .fi but very much hampered by not having my laptop (in maintenance now) and thus no access to freenode. If anyone knows of a web interface to access freenode pls. drop a link here
Succesfully sailed the boat from Hanko, Finland to Haapsalu Estonia with my dad, which is where I'm at now. Not having my laptop all the time has given me some time to think without being able to act (edit) immediatelly, which has it's upsides for some [[open questions]] have become clear in my mind.
Sorry. I said you could contact me via "email this user" but only now remembered to correct my email in prefs. sorry about that.
Ok. That was tedious. It took me over 2 hrs to counter what [[142.177.X.X]] did/claimed in something over 40 minutes
:[[Trolls]] finally answered to all [[false or unsubstantiated claims of corruption|contested claims that are bogusly labelled false or unsubstantiated]] - both have clear evidence in their favour, and though there have been attempts to answer or clear up some of these, these are far from timely or satisfactory.  There remain many more [[alleged Wikimedia corruption]] issues than attempted resolutions.  The words of Mr. Wales in [[Talk:alleged Wikimedia corruption]] prove his [[libel chill]] attempt and his intent to censor anyone who publicly disagrees with him by name beyond a doubt.  So far all that you have done on this is to prove the trolls correct or at least very very right to be concerned.  So we thank [[Lowest Troll]] for that but ask that [[false or unsubstantiated claims of corruption|this page]] be renamed since it is named from [[Sysop Vandal point of view]] and should be from [[New Troll point of view]] like the rest of the [[Develop Wiki]].  There is an entire [[Meta-Wikipedia]] and half of [[Wikipedia]] devoted to lies about [[trolls]], every [[w:Votes for deletion]] argument that mentions trolls includes lies about them, so there is no need for more room for lies here.
Survived sailing. A little bit fluish and very very tired. I just took the 6:30 am train from Helsinki to Tampere to make it to the French class and I haven't slept shit practically.
Also other very very bad news. My iBook is breaking/broken/unuasable and I have to get it to maintenance asap. There are though lots of vacant computers at our school but I'm so used to typing lecture notes into a localhost-wiki that I really can't do without.
I can't for some strange reason connect via ssh to our server so I cannot for now change my qmail routing to some webmail I can read. '''If you must contact me my [[User:Juxo|click the "send email to user" link on user page]].''' I'll try to ssh or call someone to change my routing so I can read my usual juxho aatt consumerium dto org email soon.
11.9.2004. Now I'm finally gone sailing
First things first. Juxo is gone sailing. Please be mellow if you must [[troll]] while I'm at sea.
It is clear that claiming [[corruption]] is not a function of this wiki unless it is such (dis)information that it is useful to have around to avoid mistakes others may have made while building similar projects. Now I have to go, but I will carry on later to move things to appropriate places and remove any false information from articles which state it as (true) information
:You are a liar, and you are part of this [[Wikimedia corruption]] that leads to deliberate censoring of information on things like a [[w:Genuine Progress Indicator]].  You have effectively destroyed this project by reacting to these [[Wikimedia]] lies, and you can expect no further help from any real [[trolls]].  When [[Consumerium Governance Organization]] is formed it will be formally accused of the same corruption that it covers up on behalf of its friends at [[Wikimedia]], and you can expect no further contact or help now.
:What we do from this point, we do to prevent Wikimedia covering up on itself, and to prevent you from claiming that you actually represent the [[consensus]] view of all [[faction]]s and participants in [[Consumerium:Itself]].  Unless someone does this, the whole project collapses into yet another corporate shill.
:Review [[Consumerium Governance Organization election]]s and role of the [[Chief Editor]] and ask whether or not you should be knuckling under to [[Bomis]] and [[Wikimedia]] or whether you must have the guts to tell them to get lost, in order to proceed in a position of responsibility in this project.
:Are you actually tough enough to DO this job, Juxo?  do you really think Monsanto or McDonald's or Exxon is going to be EASIER to deal with than Bomis/Wikimedia?  tough it out and prove that you CAN
Also the amount of bullshitting about irrelevant issues is getting to me slowly.
:The most relevant issue is the credibility of articles imported via [[w:]].  If you want discussion of [[Wikipedia]] to tail off, redirect [[w:]] to [[Wikinfo]].  <-- if you were ever looking for an offer of a truce, there it is.
The ultimate meaning of this wiki is to plan the operation of the production wikis" not useless biased rethoric and claims about non-consumerium issues that really hurt our ability to get the real work done (ie. [[Consumerium:Intermediate pages]], forming an [[CGO]] and establishing what is the [[Consumerium Process]] and [[Guidelines]] and [[Rules]] for the wikis to come.
:By not actually acting in accord even with such reasonable guidelines as [[Consumerium:Proposed deletions]], you have ended all reasonable coopeartion.  There is no "our", you are just imposing a [[command hierarchy]] that must fail.
I plead to all parties that we leave the unnecessary/damaging throwing of accustations and focus on getting the very practical issues worked out so that we can move on the next stage ie. [[Research Wiki pilot]] --[[User:Juxo|Juxo]] 18:59, 9 Sep 2004 (EEST)
:That is entirely up to you.  [[Trolls]] are done with you.  Implement a means of actually choosing the best editor for the [[Develop Wiki]] and for the [[Research Wiki]], via a [[Consumerium Governance Organization]], and we will help you move towards that.  But we are no longer submitting to your very poor editorial judgement.