MediaWiki modifications: Difference between revisions

    From Consumerium development wiki R&D Wiki
    (for assessing the need for modifications to the MediaWiki in order to serve Content and Opinion Wiki well (stub))
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    Revision as of 22:00, 5 November 2003

    This page is for discussing and defining the modifications/patches that we need to make to the MediaWiki software to enable running Content Wiki and Opinion Wiki

    Added namespaces

    For Content Wiki to be managed well we need to have at least the following namespaces:

    • Product
    • ProductGroup
    • Company

    For the Opinion Wiki we need at least the following namespaces:

    • Group
    • VirtualGroup
    • Campaign

    Article signing

    The software has to be extended to enable organisations and individuals to sign any version of any article in the Content Wiki with GnuPG or other keys. This is essential to maintain the integrity of the recorded information. Some people may want to see the live wiki, understanding the possible hazards in it, but most will likely want some level of assurance from authorative parties on the correctness of the information

    Content autogenration

    We need to have a module for generating and identifying information coming from the Consumerium Vault, wherein information is verified by staff. Also reacting to editing of autogenrated content (if made possible) has to be dealt with.

    Article creation restrictions

    For Opinion Wiki we need to restrict the creation of Group-articles to only those entities that are registered in and verified by the Vault

    Privilige management

    For Opinion Wiki we need totally new code to manage the addition, modification and removal of usergroups

    Editing restrictions

    For the Opinion Wiki we need to manage restriction of editing of certain articles and subarticles to certain users belonging to designed usergroups

    Middleware connection with Opinion Wiki edits

    Edits to the Opinion Wiki have to be screened by middleware software to update the composite view of the wiki eg. changes in votes or scores