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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!ENTITY % icdt SYSTEM "common_datatypes.dtd"> %icdt;

<!ELEMENT company (sole_trader|general_partnership|limited_partnership|ltd|plc|co-operative) > <!ATTLIST company id ID #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT sole_trader (name, country_code, national_registrycode, hq, established, cium_data, brands?)> <!ELEMENT general_partnership (name, country_code, national_registrycode, hq, established, cium_data, brands?)> <!ELEMENT limited_partnership (name, country_code, national_registrycode, hq, established, cium_data, brands?)> <!ELEMENT ltd (name, country_code, national_registrycode, established, hq, cium_data, corporation, joint_venture?, brands?)> <!ELEMENT plc (name, country_code, national_registrycode, established, hq, cium_data, corporation, joint_venture?, brands?, listings?)> <!ELEMENT co-operative (name, country_code, national_registrycode, hq, established, cium_data, brands?)>

<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT national_registrycode (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT established (date) >

<!ELEMENT hq (address) >

<!ELEMENT cium_data (added_date, added_by) >

<!ELEMENT added_date (date) >

<!ELEMENT added_by (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST added_by class (self | cium_staff | ngo | activist) "self" >

<!ELEMENT corporation ((is_not_corporated)|(is_holding_company, subsidiary+)|(is_subsidiary, subsidiary*)) >

<!ELEMENT is_not_corporated EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT is_holding_company EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT is_subsidiary EMPTY > <!ATTLIST is_subsidiary of IDREF #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT subsidiary EMPTY > <!ATTLIST subsidiary is IDREF #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT joint_venture (venturer, percent)+ >

<!ELEMENT venturer EMPTY > <!ATTLIST venturer is IDREF #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT brands (brand+)>

<!ELEMENT brand (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT listings (listing+) >

<!ELEMENT listing (stockexchange, abbreviation, listed_date) >

<!ELEMENT stockexchange EMPTY> <!ATTLIST stockexchange is (NYSE|NASDAQ|FTSE|DAX|HEX) "NYSE" >

<!ELEMENT abbreviation (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT listed_date (date) >

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