Add topicIt's a very neat clean model to define vandals as "the faction that is unwelcome, and against which one can block IP" once they are recognized as real actual vandals, trolls as "the faction of those that expect others to play by Crocker's Rules, simply because they (the trolls) do, ignoring social conventions and scoffing at virtual community and community point of view." Perhaps one can refuse to debate with trolls and can revert their questionable edits without the protocol and conversation that one requires with those who claim to be some body? Though not of course the ad hominem revert and ad hominem delete that amount to sysop vandalism.
Anyway, these two default factions seem to solve many potential problems. What is wrong with this simple model of vandals as "the unwelcome faction", trolls as "the barely tolerated faction"?
Probably most of what is wrong is that sysops cannot tell the difference, and also believe that they, the sysops, do not have factional differences or blind sides. But what else is wrong?