Talk:Simple English
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Seems reasonable. The English articles will make up the backbone of information to which all other language versions will be compared to so it is a sound policy to try to use language that can be understood bo as many people as possible Juxo
- Right, so if you have an issue with the definition of time horizon here, as you raised in talk:time horizon, you must take it to [1] - where a lot more people can and should argue with you over it - and only when you are satisfied that *that* definition is correct, should you fix the much shorter one here. This is a bit of a pain but it drastically reduces the risk of our relying on any unchecked or nonstandard definition of terms that will matter a lot when we are doing this in 40 languages....
What's with the old MediaWiki software? Is it for a particular reason or just not updated? Who'se in charge of admining the Simple English Wikipedia?
- They're waiting to be part of a more general upgrade. The old software will go away soon. To move over now would save no work, so they aren't going to bother. Next software upgrade on all the wikipedias, they're in on it. Until then, they're not. No problem.
- A more important issue is a wikitext standard so that all wikis can swap files around without any rewriting.