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Talk:Echo chamber

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See talk:political dispute for now.

A specific example of echo chamber methods is this post by Daniel Mayer which claims:

"I have also looked into the matter and also agree that JRR is the same as a long line of hard-banned troll reincarnations that started with 142.177 and probably even 24. In addition to what Fred has said, this user very often links to and copies pages that 142.177 and 24 wrote on meta. If this user were not 142.177 or 24, then how could he have known where all the 142.177's meta pages and Wikipedia articles were since 142.177 was a dynamic range and thus his edits are not easily tracked?

The preponderance of evidence is obvious here and IMO it even very close to evidence beyond a reasonable doubt (looking at the server logs will determine evidence beyond a reasonable doubt). So I also agree with Fred's conclusion: that any admin may ban JRR and revert any edit he has made (especially when that edit was to restore an edit previously made by 142.177, 24, EoT or Cave Troll)."

This is obvious sysop vandalism and based only on Mayer's own hatred for the NTPOV. It also justifies Mayer's own outing attempts which have more or less failed. The propaganda continues:

"Trolls by there very nature are subversive and tend to tear down community structures and goodwill. So any user name with 'troll' in it (unless the user can prove it is part of their real name) is very offensive to me and I hope to many other Wikipedians since it represents a force that could destroy our community."

Mayer is easily offended however. The impact is clearly seen in the next post by Mark Richards

"Well, assuming you have access to more information than I do, because what has been published is precious flimsy, I'm prepared to take your word for it on JRRT,"

This "assuming you have access to more information than I do, because what has been published is ... flimsy" is the basis of the sysop power structure - it pretends to knowledge it does not have, and misrepresents for convenience of itself.

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