Service cycle
Service cycle is a feature of Product group and product
A service cycle describes everything behind an economic transaction, down to nature's services, state services and other service economy elements. It goes below commodity and product relations where it can find out about them, and tries to include all impacts from every service stage:
- extraction especially environmental impact and extinction and deforestation potential, e.g. tantallum, charcoal
- production especially labour
- transport and other distribution, especially energy use
- retail considerations including displacement of local buying options, e.g. Wal-Mart
- usage, e.g. energy use, emissions if applicable, e.g. automobile, and does it help reduce or exaggerate other consumption?
- re-use potential, e.g. resale value, longevity, planned obsolescence
- recycling and waste disposal, e.g. biodegradeable
- other comprehensive outcome elements of the service cycle as above
A primitive example
- Sun shines
- Sunshine causes rainfall
- Vegetation grows
- Animal eats vegetation
- Animal gets milked by farmer
- Farmer drinks milk
- Farmer takes a pee
- The nutrients from the urine helps 3.
This is the Service cycle of Milk in a primitive production setting. In a more advanced setting we would have makers of agricultural machines, transportation, vets, pharmaceuticals, electricity, diesel, milking robots, buildings and some other stuff to get milk